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Caramel Arrow was shaken awake. A pair of worried, olive green eyes met her cold, desolated ones. Beads of sweat dripped down her face, her eyes full of tiredness. She rubbed her head, and looked around.

"Where are we?"

Eclair shook his shoulders. "I don't know. I have a massive headache, though. What about you?" Caramel Arrow nodded. "Yes, so do I. Shall we take a look around together?" They we're in a room, covered with greyish vines that were mainly draped over the single door. They opened it slightly, peering down the dark corridor.
"Careful, watch out." They began to walk down, looking up to the flashing red lights that detected even the slightest of movement.
They came across another door. They opened it slowly, revealing two other cookies.
"Uh... Espresso? Rye..?" Eclair said, confused. Espresso fixed his already broken glasses, "Oh, of course you'd be here." He scowled, then looked over to Caramel Arrow. His expression slightly softened, "And who may you be?"

"Me?- Oh, I'm Caramel Arrow. Nice to meet you." She held out her hand. Espresso shook it solemnly,
"Hm, yes nice to meet you too."
"Enough with introductions and shit like that- how the hell are we gonna get out of this hellhole! I can jus' tell Dark Enchantress is in charge of this!" Rye somewhat shouted. Espresso flicked her head. "Would you shut it?! What if there are dangerous beings in... wherever we are." Eclair nodded in agreement. "So... should we- you know- stay together? It's not like we have a choice, but it would be nice to stick by some familiar faces."
"I don't know you."

"I jus' wanna know where I'm at. Imma head out and find some sorta window to navigate. Or some shit like that." Rye opened the door, looking left and right, before closing it gently, trying to find some sort reassuring thing to tell them that they were safe- in a way.
"Wow. It's been like, 5 seconds before one decides to run off?" Caramel Arrow sighed heavily. She massaged her temples before sitting down by a small bed. "But I guess she's doing something helpful. Maybe she'll come back and we can leave this place?"
"...she'll find nothing." They turned to Espresso. "What?"
"I mean... just look at this place. Not a single window or crack in the walls. It's just- solid. It's some sort of prison. And we're the prisoners. Though my questions remains the same- why?"


They were good cookies, right? They had only done good deeds throughout their little lives, protecting those who couldn't protect themselves, stopping an evil woman who wanted earthbread to herself...
Though, the cookies never considered this being her doing.

No, it seemed a little too... nice.

"You know what?- I don't know you, or you- so therefore I do not trust any of you. And you have every right not to trust me," Caramel Arrow headed for the door "You two, stay safe. If something doesn't take me away in the dark, consider it a miracle."


Dark Choco winced in pain. It looked like he had quite a terrible tumble after he passed out. He was in stable condition- the reason why he passed out was unknown to him. But that wasn't on his mind at the moment.

He looked around. Just like many more cookies, he found out he was in a room. Small, with grey walls; with those pesky dangling vines and random rolls of tissue on the floor. He didn't spend time to familiarise with his surroundings- he headed straight out, hoping to escape whatever he was in.

He had run into Rye. He hadn't seen him before, nor had she seen him. She was on her highest alert, and reached for her trusty guns- yet, they weren't there?

"MY GUNS! MY BABIES? THEIR GONE?!" Rye searched frantically for her lost children. Dark Choco watched her dash from one room to the next, hearing her shouts and cries for her guns. Whoever- or whatever had brung them here, took all their weapons. Nothing that could penetrate or possibly kill anyone were hidden away.

"Wait. Who?" Rye turned to Dark Choco. "Who do you think?" He shrugged his shoulders, receiving an eye roll from the wheat cookie. "That Dark Enchantress bitch. I swear, I'd love to get my guns an' shoot er' dead."
"Quite a violent one, aren't you? You seem useful." Rye sent him a dark glare. "Whatcha mean by that?"
"Not in a using way or anything- you just seem like someone is like to have by my side. Is that so bad?" Rye shook her head. "No. I suppose not."
"Then," Dark Choco started, "I think we should look around. This corridor must lead to somewhere. Who knows where it might lead, though."
"Let's go an' explore! Haven't had a good time in ages!"


Espresso watched Eclair from a distance. Ever since back at the Parfaedian institute... no, he rather not think about that. Truth was, both of them had gone through some shit together. It was a combination of good, and bad shit. The good was that they'd been dating for a while, teaching kids the necessities, ensuring them a good and healthy life... though, it wasn't long before they just, got bored of each other. Never there for each other, arguing... it never seemed to end. So being in a small, enclosed room with your ex isn't really something you'd feel comfortable doing.

"I feel claustrophobic." Eclair broke the awkward silence. Espresso did not reply.
"I'm going to go outside." Eclair then stood up, and headed for the door. "Wait." He turned around, Espresso fixing his glasses and sighing.
"Let's not split up, ok? I know about everything and shit-"
"Do you, now?"
"-look, don't argue with me, ugh... you know- we don't know where we are. We've already lost two in the span of 30 minutes, and it would suck if I lost you too..."
Eclair twisted the door knob. "Goodbye, Espresso."
"I don't know what else I need to say to convince you-"

"You don't have to say shit, ok?! I'm claustrophobic, and I just need a breather. Outside. It's not like something is gonna come at me if I step outside. And besides, why do you care? You don't need to care anymore, remember?" Espresso sighed once more. "Who said I'm caring? I'm just saying we should stick together and we could-"
"No. I'm done, Espresso. In fact- I'm going to go and find out if there's more people. There's gotta be. There's no way I'm gonna be stuck here with you-"

A loud clearing of throat could be heard above them. They hadn't noticed before: speakers.

The woman cleared her throat once more before speaking: "greetings all, and welcome!" Rye was right all along. Dark Enchantress was behind this.

"I know everyone is scared and shit like that- but, you have bought this open your tiny, puny, little selves,"

"So I decided to set up a very special game for everyone who has worked against me. Even those who have betrayed me..."

"So I welcome you all to my very own killing game."

Espresso's eyes were as wide as plates. A killing game?

He didn't even need anyone to explain the rules. He got it right away. He wasn't coming out of here alive. He knew that. There was no denying it.

"The rules, now! Oh how I love to explain:
•Beginning tomorrow, every cookie will be given full access to every weapon that this building holds.
•If you choose to kill, you are only permitted to kill 2 cookies a day; if you kill more than 2, you will be exposed and killed.
•There is a certain curfew that undergoes at 1am- all bedrooms will be closed by then.
•You will be given equipment to help you find the suspect.
•There is a cafeteria that holds food that will last you for years!- if you last that long! Haha!
•There are different activities you can do! This place isn't a prison!"

"Oh, and finally," a laugh could be heard "No. Sex."

"I swear to god you cookies are nasty fucks. Enough talking from me though! Have a great sleep!"

Silence once more.

The two stared at each other. "You can't trust anyone now," Eclair said shakily, "I'm gonna die. I don't want to die! I have a museum... my relics... wait. Hold on!" He reached into his pocket, pulling out an old piece of clothing. "Ah! A relic! What a beauty!" Espresso rolled his eyes. "So. Weapons are due tomorrow-"
"Oh my- are you planning to... kill?" Eclair gasped. Espresso shook his head quickly. "No. I'm gonna take a weapon for protection, though. You should do the same."
"Yeah, especially around you. You look as if you didn't even need the rules to be explained."

He opened the door, looking around. "For the last time, I know this is my room and all, and I'll be back, but I'm going for a breather. Goodbye."

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