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Kazutora had spent the entire rest of the evening with (Y/N)

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Kazutora had spent the entire rest of the evening with (Y/N). When he arrived he instantly told her what happened earlier at the park, but then asked her to never talk about it again, at least not tonight. He wanted to have a normal and relaxing time with his girl.

Tora was sitting on her lap, his arms wrapped around her right shoulder and his head resting on the left one as she just finished telling the story from her appointment at the doctor. She had moved her hand under his shirt and slowly massaged his back.

He completely spaced out and only focused on the girl's fingers that slowly moved up and down his skin. "I mean I understand that they sometimes get emergencies in and all of that but if I have to wait over 1 hour again next time I'm gonna lose it." Kazutora blinked a few times. His mind had focused so much on the pleasure that it stopped listening to what (Y/N) said. "What?"

The girl tilted her head a little bit. "What 'what'?" she asked confused. The guy rubbed his eyes and yawned before sliding down from the girl's legs onto the couch. "I spaced out," he explained, "I didn't listen."

(Y/N) grinned and jumped on top of Tora who had no idea what was happening. He stared at the girl in shock as she laughed at his terrified face. "You think you can just get away with not listening to me?" she asked playfully as she placed her chin on his chest.

She was so close to his face, laying right on top of him. Kazutora could feel the excitement building up in him as he reached his hand out to brush through the girl's hair. "I'm sorry darling." She moved her hands under his shirt and started to tickle him. "You won't get away now," (Y/N) giggled and watched the man under her suffer. Kazutora wrapped his arms around the woman's hips, fully focussing on her touches as she kept going.

"If you apologize I'll stop," she hissed mischievously and moved closer to Tora. He placed his hand carefully on his friend's cheek and brushed over it. "What if I don't want you to stop?" His other hand moved behind her neck to pull her even closer to him.

Their noses touched, and for a second he could feel that (Y/N) stopped breathing. "(Y/N)..."
He wanted to kiss her. It would be a magical moment he could remember.
In 20 years, he would sit outside the balcony with his wife, watching the kids play together. "Remember our first kiss?" he would whisper into her ear while laying his arm around her shoulder.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫//𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 • [ᴋᴀᴢᴜᴛᴏʀᴀ ʜ.]Where stories live. Discover now