Chapter One - Meeting

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"Wei Ying." 

Two words. Only two words, spoken in a rich, low timbre. Barely audible, and somehow they carried with utter clarity through the clean, cool air of the meadow above the waterfall. Two words, spoken in a beloved tone long unheard. Two words, and the flute ceased to sing, and the world held its breath. The waterfall no longer shouted its crashing chorus. The wind no longer soughed through the grasses. Two words, and the musician was deaf to all else. Two words and a heart leapt in fear and hope.

The flute moved first. Down it came, away from the soft lips kissing to life a song of love and longing. A strong hand froze the delicate touch that allowed the fingers to play, then spasmed, convulsing around the flute in the fist of a drowning man. Eyes, closed while lost in the melody, shot wide, their silver depths blind to the beauty before them, looking only inward... to the past. A sharp intake of breath, and the musician's paralysis ended, even as the world remained frozen around him. Ever so carefully, afraid to find he'd once again imagined his beloved's voice, the musician in black turned and a smile dawned on his ruby lips. This smile had only ever been offered to one person in his life - his lives. This smile had never seen the light of day, excepting when he beheld his love. A gentle, warming smile like the sun rising in summer moved sweetly across his beautiful face as he lay eyes on his heart, his life, again after so long apart.

Behind where the musician had been playing, another man stood quietly. Tall, strong and still, he waited silently. Clad in drifting white and the blue of the sky, his cool features showed only impassive perfection until his eyes. Beautiful gold eyes sought the silver of the other and then, the miracle of sun rising again. This time the sun rising across the snow, kissing the cold, frozen world back to life.

"Wei Ying."

A shudder coursed through the musician, as if his entire being stopped living momentarily and was now determined to return to life.

"Lan Zhan..."

Two more words crossed between the men and trailed away in a whisper. A prayer. A promise. One hesitant step forward. Another, and the man in black threw himself towards his other half. His love, his life, his soul, so long unseen. White arms opened wide and the man in black crashed into his home, his heart. Eager red lips met their peach counterparts, seeking purchase, absolution, nirvana. Black arms closed around the neck of his beloved, while he vanished behind the white sleeves of his love, enfolding him with tender strength.

Silver eyes clung to gold, as if they couldn't trust the sight, refusing to close, determined not to lose that treasured connection, and perhaps a bit afraid it would all be just another daydream after all. A single crystal tear pooled in one golden eye and tipped out the edge, to christen the face of the man in black. A sharp intake of breath.

"Lan Zhan? Lan Zhan!" The man in black broke their kiss in alarm. "Lan Zhan! You've never cried! Lan Zhan, what's wrong?"

The man in black forced himself back within the arms of his lover, a look of fear on his face and silver eyes wide with fear and growing doubts. Was he mistaken? Had Lan WangJi not come for him? Had he found another during his long absence? Had he – Wei WuXian's heart stuttered to a stop at the thought and his hands clutched more desperately to those broad, white shoulders – had he stopped loving him? The pain on his face increased as he waited for an answer, the ice within growing with each endless moment..

The beautiful man in white relaxed his grip only slightly, allowing just enough space between them for Wei WuXian to see his face clearly. This stunning angel of a man, this paragon of beauty was crying, tears sliding down his beautiful jade cheeks, rivalling the wonder of the waterfall itself. A big intake of breath, followed by a long release. Again. Yet again. Wei WuXian understood Lan WangJi's need to find control, subdue his emotions, before he could speak. The two men stood immobile in each other's arms, as worried silver orbs scanned the weeping golden eyes before him, searching for an answer. As his breathing steadied Lan WangJi finally found his voice.

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