Chapter 40 - Cold Cavern

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In the cool morning dim, Lan WangJi was unhappy to notice that once again Wei WuXian had not moved during the night. Slipping carefully out of the bed, he tucked a pillow under his husband's head and brought the covers more closely about his still form. Silently Lan WangJi went about his morning routine; a little tidying up, dressing, and settling into meditation. It was harder today to lose himself in the vastness of not being. He was a little too solidly being right now – being concerned for his husband, being worried about how skinny he'd become, being unsure just how hard he could or should press for a Healer's input... time passed and finally Lan WangJi opened his eyes with a sigh. It was no use today. He could not settle, no matter how he tried.

Lan WangJi moved to his guqin and quietly played, allowing the peace of the strings to soothe his rumpled spirits. He drifted through Clarity and numerous other healing scores, hoping that somehow one would provide help and healing while Wei WuXian slept. As the sun rose higher and the hour closer to the time he usually woke Wei WuXian, his thoughts turned ever more sharply in that direction and his fingers subconsciously began to bring forth the poignant notes of the song he'd written for his Wei Ying; written before he'd known what love was, or could be, or that he was deeply lost within it already.

A frail hand stretched out of the blankets, followed by too-slim feet kicking free of the covers. A few minutes more and Wei WuXian turned in the bed, shaking his hair from his eyes as he lifted a sleep-slackened face towards his husband.

"Lan Zhan? Why are you playing so early?"

Lan WangJi came to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Good morning, Wei Ying. Did you sleep well last night?"

"No worse than ever, my dear," Wei WuXian sidestepped the question. "Are you out of sorts this morning?"


One slim hand on a skinny arm rose, tucking Lan WangJi's hair back from his face where it had fallen forward as he looked down to his husband on the bed before him.



"I won't hurt him, you know. I'm just going to see if I can help think of anything to help the Grandmaster."

"I know Wei Ying would not hurt Uncle. Worried Wei Ying is not well."

Wei WuXian smiled fondly at his love. "Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan. My lovely Er-Gege. I like you so much... what am I going to do with you?"

"Kiss." Lan WangJi suited actions to his statement and leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on his husband's forehead, then another on each cheek before his lips captured their rosy match awaiting their turn. A soft kiss, warm and lingering, and then he sat back.

"I will get breakfast. Wei Ying..."

"I know, I know. I'll get dressed, sweetheart."

After breakfast, the two men walked to the Hanshi, where Lan XiChen awaited their arrival, ready to leave for the Cold Cavern.

"Good morning, WangJi. WuXian," greeted Lan XiChen. "Are you ready to visit Uncle?"

"Yes," answered Wei WuXian. "We appreciate the evening meal and other thoughtfulness of yesterday. It was kind of you, XiChen-Ge."

"My pleasure," answered Lan XiChen. "With so much work to be done, I really appreciate the help you both give every day. I thought perhaps you might like an evening of peace before we try to tackle anything more."

Lan WangJi reached out, and placed one hand gently on his brother's arm, catching his eyes for a moment.

"You're welcome, Xiong-Di." Lan XiChen put a warm hand over that of his brother for a moment and gave him a gentle smile, before he turned and headed briskly out and down the path towards the Cold Cavern, Lan WangJi and Wei WuXian following closely behind.

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