15 | Rising Action

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"And I turned around and Riley was on one knee." Anissa giggled. "I love her."

You smiled, sipping your tea. "That's amazing."

"We're thinking of a winter wedding, but it would be pretty short notice. It's already October."

"Money can make anything happen, my friend."

"Y/N, money is not something that Riley and I have an abundance of." Anissa snickered.

"But I do."

"No way."

You frowned. "Anissa, please."

"No, Y/N, you cannot pay for my wedding."

"I have to make everything up to you! I was a jerk for years!"

"You weren't."

"I sort of was."

Anissa smiled slightly. "Only a little."

"C'mon, let me make it up to you."

Anissa placed a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, you can make all these years up to me by being the way you are being right now."

"What is that?"


You nodded slowly. "Can I at least use my connections if necessary?"

Anissa chuckled. "If need be, you can help us get the wedding done by Christmas."


"What? Butting into other people's weddings because you won't have one? You've always been pretty adamant that nobody is good enough for you."

Your cheeks were slightly pink.

"Wait a second...Y/N, did you get action since we last spoke?!"

"No! Oh my god!" You raised your arms defensively. "I—I uhm...SpencerandIkissed."

"Slow down."

"Spencer and I kissed. For real."

Anissa's eyes widened. "No way! Are you guys like a real thing now?"


"What? Why? I thought I was the only one picking up on the sexual tension, it was strangling."

You rolled your eyes. "I uhm I said I didn't want to be his girlfriend until I resolved stuff with you and other people...fixed my shattered rep as much as I could."

"And now?"

You sighed. "I'm glad I said that but wow, I've never wanted to sleep with someone so bad."

"God, it's been how many years since you have?"

"25," you replied nonchalantly.

"You're 25."


"Holy shit."

You punched her arm. "I was busy!"

"Wow, so wait...was he your first kiss?"

You nodded slowly. "I never kissed anyone in movies, and we haven't filmed those scenes yet with Tristan."

"Wow, I missed a lot. You're horny as hell now."

"Please stop talking." You plugged your ears. "La La La."

Anissa laughed. "Okay, real talk."


"If you really like Spencer so much that you were willing to put off being with him to fix personal shit, so you could be better to him...I think you should probably talk to him."

"Now? My rep is still in pieces."

Anissa sighed. "Being famous means that you'll be on top one day and in the headlines the next, your rep will always have some damage. What you needed to fix were your personal relationships, and I can see a conscious change in you even just from this past hour."

"You think so?"

The woman nodded. "You don't need to be perfect to love someone else."

"Thank you," you whispered. "Are you insinuating I'm not perfect?"

"Me? Never." She giggled. "I have your first order as manager again."


"Go find Spencer Reid and tell him that you want to feel him all up inside of y—"

"DON'T FINISH THAT SENTENCE!" You jumped up, covering your ears with your hands.

"Fine. Go tell him you're in love with him or something." Anissa groaned.

You smiled. "I will."

"Spencer," you said. "I love you."

You frowned.

"Blegh, way too strong." You pursed your lips. "Spencer, I have strong feelings for you...no. Spencer, I like kissing you. Definitely not. Spencer—"

You stopped at his building, looking up at the window you recognized looked into his living room.

"All good, Y/N. He likes you too...right?" You shook your head. "Of course he does." You opened the door, typing in the code Spencer told you once and hiked up the thousands of stairs to his floor. "Stupid broken elevator."

You walked to his door, inhaling sharply before knocking.

Knock. Knock.

"Spence? You there? It's Y/N."



You figured he was home and pulled out your phone, dialing his number.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

It came from inside his apartment. You pursed your lips, an unsettling feeling in your stomach. Spencer never naps. You grabbed the spare key from under the plant, unlocking the door but finding it already open.

You gingerly stepped across the threshold, eyes widening at the scene. A shattered vase on the floor, a few books lying face down, a chair knocked to the side, and—blood.

You covered your mouth, attempting to keep the vomit coming up your throat down. "Spencer?! SPENCER!?"

You grabbed his phone, looking down at it.

Missed Call: Y/N <3

That damn heart sent you into a fit of sobs as you fell to your knees in the middle of his apartment. You wiped your eyes, opening his phone and finding any name you recognized.


You were choking on tears. "Is this Aaron Hotchner?"

"You're not Reid..."

"It's Y/N," you whispered, sniffling.

"Is everything okay? Are you crying?"

"Something's happened to Spencer." You took a shaky breath. "Something bad."

"We'll be right over."

oop. also this has 3k now which is cool

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