6. New Talent

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"Where the hell have you been?" Scott yelled in Stiles face. "Dude you had me so stressed out I called like thirty times. I almost used an entire inhaler."

"Hey, chill out, my phone died. What's going on?" Stiles spoke calmingly

"At the party, the punch was spiked with wolfsbane. Everyone was so out of it. Allison and I thought you had drank some."

"I did but I'm fine. I must've left before it happened. But I did see the lizard-man that you told me about."

"Really where?" Scott couldn't contain his excitement.

"In the woods, I was..." Stiles trailed off.

"What? You were what?" Scott furrowed his brow. 

"I was...with Erica." He said under his voice.

"Woah, were you fighting?"

"We were having sex." Stiles blushed a little bit.

"No way, really?"

"Dude, it was amazing." Stiles reminisced.

"I told you it would be. Wait, So does this mean you're back tagether?"

"I don't know." 

"Well, is she at least on our side now?"

"I don't think so."

"Does this help us at all?"

"Probably not." Stiles shrugged.

"So what's our mission right now?"

"Right now? Stiles's eyebrows rose slightly. Right now we have to stop Derek from turning anyone while keeping an eye on the Argents and tracking down this lizard-man. Derek's already got Erica and Issac but we know he needs at least three. We also know he's only turning high schoolers because they're easiest to turn. We need to keep watch for anything out of the ordinary."

"Which means everything in Beacon Hills." Scott added and Stiles nodded.

"We also know the Argents are planning something big, and the fact that they keep saying 'the others are coming' is creepy as hell. And last we need to learn more about the lizard. The Argents have been around for centuries, they're likely to have crossed paths with this sort of thing before..."

"So we let them take care of it and that's less work for us." Scott cut him off.

"No, we can't do that. We know how the Argents like to 'take care' of their problems and if I'm right then this lizard-man might be like me. It could be just a normal person who doesn't know that he's out killing at night." Scott nodded in understanding. "So we need Allison to find out where they keep their records of the creatures they've seen and find out if there's any info on it in there." He finished. 

"I'll let her know." Scott said, grabbing his phone.


"Hey." Allison said as she took her seat at the lunch table where the two guys were. "So, I looked around for the records like you guys asked and the only thing that looked like it could be what we need is a small brown book bound in leather, that Gerard has." The boys perked up. "So I stole it while he wad sleeping and it turned out to be a recipe book." The guys deflated. "The only other place has got to be in his office. "

"So all we have to do is break in." Stiles took a bite of his food.

"Okay." Lydia appeared and slammed her palms on the lunch table. "I have had it up to here with all these 'runaways' looking for attention." She put air quotes on the word runaways. "First one, then two, now three of them?"

Throw Me to the Wolves - Sterica - Teen Wolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now