3. New Enemies

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He felt so bad. They hadn't been together for an hour and he'd already lied to her. His guilt was killing him and he wanted to tell the truth but how could he? He couldn't just come out and say that the reason he can't see her tomorrow is because he and Lydia are going on a date.

The plans were made the day that Erica came close to biting it and Stiles doesn't like letting people down. It's not like it was a real date anyway. It was more of friends just hanging out. Except Scott and Allison would most likely break away from the two as soon as they got inside, which is exactly what happened.

Now he's standing still on the ice, eyes on Lydia as she twirls and spins doing moves that Stiles had only seen in a movie once. Yes, his eyes were on Lydia but his mind was on Erica. The guilt made it hard for him to have a good time tonight and so he mostly watched the others.

Scott and Allison had disappeared a moment ago, likely because Scott got tired of falling on his ass. Lydia floated around the ice like there was no one else there. Stiles just stood around with the dumbest look.

He wondered what his girlfriend was doing right now. He hadn't even told Scott yet. He was just gonna surprise everyone when he walked into school with her on monday. Rub the faces of everyone who thought she wasn't good enough for him in it. He planned to make a statement.

Lydia pulled him from his thoughts as she slid over to him.

"Stiles, are you gonna skate or what?" He just nodded as she took his hand and led him out onto the ice.


Erica sat at home and thought about Stiles. She had texted him an hour ago but he hadn't text back yet. She didn't worry too much about it. She knew he was having dinner with his dad tonight and so he probably wasn't gonna have his phone on so all she had at the moment was the thought of him.

She walked into the kitchen to throw away the core of the apple she had been trimming with her teeth for the last thirty minutes. She looked at the trash and just noticed how full the bag was so she decided to take it out.

Slipping on her boots and a jacket she carried the bag outside and deposited it in the trash bin on the side of her house.

As the lid closed there was a sound behind her that made her whip her head around. She found the silhouette of a man standing at the entrance to the gaingway.

"Hello Erica." The man spoke.

"Derek?" She asked. "What are you doing here? How do you know where I live?"

Derek took a step away from the darkness. "What's wrong? Aren't we friends?"

"Uhm, Stiles said that I shouldn't...."

"Oh, yeah. So you two are a thing now?"

"I don't really think..."

"Relax, Erica." Another voice came making her turn around.

"Who are you?" She asked finding herself trapped between the two.

"That's Isaac." Derek nods. "He's... a friend."

"Why is he here?" She asked.

"Relax, he's not the subject here. You are."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the pills, the siezures, the blood like taste. I'm talking about your Epilepsy." He stepped closer. "What if I told you that I could make it all..go..away?" He ran his fingers up her arm. "And not only would it all go away, but everything else would get better." He carressed her cheek. "I wanna help you, Erica."

Throw Me to the Wolves - Sterica - Teen Wolf AUWhere stories live. Discover now