Chapter One: Senior Year

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"Senior year starts tomorrow."

Alya sighs quietly as they try to catch up with the rest of their group.

Marinette groans "Don't remind me..."

"Hey at least the end of summer means the end of Adrien being in London with his aunt! More school means more Adriieeeennnn." Alya teases.

Marinette jokingly scowls at her best friend.

She was going to miss these moments once they graduated. Ideally she would go to the same school with all of her friends, but that was impossible considering her responsibilities as a protector of Paris. How could she be Ladybug in the middle of a midterm season or afford to support living on her own between school and Lady-bugging? Highschool was already hard enough as it is. Her friends had separate lives too, which made the summer particularly lonely and dull for the high school girl.

Alya was busy most of the summer counseling at the camp her younger sisters were attending, Nino was fulfilling an internship with a record company, Nathaniel and Marc were writing a new comic series together, Rose was touring for a few weeks along with Juleka, Luka, and their Father. Max was interning as well, and Adrien was in London visiting his aunt Amelie and cousin Felix.

Ivan and Mylene spent the summer hiking, going to concerts, and spending all their time together. Even Kim trained for his college swim scholarship all summer with Ondine who was after the same scholarship. And Chloe.... Chloe was Chloe all summer.

Which left Marinette in the bakery with very few akumatizations or friends to keep her busy. She spent most of the summer designing, sewing, and of course investigating. As well as looking for any leg up in her search for Hawk Moth's secret identity. Of course she didn't want any new akumatizations, but it was so slow she even felt comfortable letting Cat Noir go on a vacation while she held down the fort. As long as he was able to be there when she needed him, of course.

However, Hawk Moth seemed to be discouraged after they retrieved all of the stolen miraculous. All except the peacock and butterfly. And there hadn't been one single incident all summer.
Marinette had begun to miss Cat Noir. She missed his terrible puns and cheeky smile. And of course, she missed having someone to talk to and trust as much as she did Cat Noir. Keeping their identities a secret didn't only protect them from Shadow Moth, but it also prevented any bias from hindering their relationship. She felt able to tell him anything and get his honest input. As well as a good cheering up.

She needed a good pep talk from her Kitty.

"Earth to Marinette, what flavor do you want girl?" Alya interrupts Marinette's brooding.

"Oh uhh... sorry Andre....strawberry please!"

The jolly ice cream maker/match maker chuckles and begins to fix her a scoop.

Mylene and Ivan took their place as Marinette, Nino, and Alya retreat into the group.

'This is nice.... being all together. I am really going to miss this...' she sappily told herself.

Marinette knew her responsibilities would become more cumbersome as Ladybug and that she was on a much different path from her classmates. Most of them planned to go to a school somewhere else or find jobs that would keep them busy. Even Kagami went back to Japan with her mother. But Marinette planned on staying in Paris, going to design school, and protecting the city. Working in her parents bakery until she got a job as a designer. On the surface it was a half cracked plan, but it was only to stay Ladybug. After all, that is what she loved doing most.

At least for now she had Alya. Until she graduates and goes to Journalism school, of course. Even though she had to take Trixx from her for her safety; she still offered plans, advice, and as much help as she could. Marinette was grateful to her for getting her through some of the hardest points in her life these last couple of years. Alya promised to visit and be "on call" for miraculous related events, but Marinette didn't want to burden Alya with that anymore. She deserved to live her life free from all the stress and craziness.

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