Chapter Ten: Jealousy

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The next morning, Marinette woke up to Adrien's arm wrapped around her.

The sun was rising, bathing his angelic face in a warm glow.

She swooned before realizing it was time to get ready for school.

She blushed as she tried to pull herself out of his arm.

Then she noticed the other ring on his hand.

His miraculous.

It did the same thing her earrings did and disguised itself.

Just as she was about to get up; she felt his grip tighten around her, pulling her back down to the bed.

"Good morning..." Adrien croaks as his vocal chords adjust to being awake.

Marinette giggled and ran her hands through his hair.

'Just a couple minutes longer...' she thought to herself.

She closes her eyes for what felt like a brief moment and opened them to glance over at Tikki, who was giving her a death stare.
"Oh relax Tikki, we have time."
"Marinette?" Tikki starts
"You were supposed to be awake thirty minutes ago?" she says calmly.

"GAH" Marinette exclaims, falling off the last few steps of the ladder to her bed.
It hit her that Adrien wasn't in her room at all.
She sighed in relief, hoping last night was a dream.
"Tikki...where's Adrien?" she asks
"He's down stairs?" Tikki says confused.

'Thank god'

She hated what he went through last night but, she loved having him around. At any time. Under any circumstance.

She goes quicky to get dressed,

But her clothes were laid out for her.

She goes to pack her school bag.

It was already packed.

After grabbing her things, Marinette goes downstairs, still pulling her hair into its signature pigtails.

When she reached the kitchen, Adrien was sitting at the counter, eating some eggs and toast.

"No croissant?" Marinette teases

Adrien chuckles as he takes a bite of egg.

"Thank you again for breakfast Mrs. Dupain-Cheng" Adrien says

"Of course Adrien! You are welcome here any time." she assures him.

"I really appreciate it..." he returns.

"Marinette sweet heart you should eat something!" Sabine prods.

Marinette grabs an apple and an egg tarte her mom had made special earlier that morning.

She loved her mom's egg tartes.

She shoots a glance at Adrien, wondering what was going through his mind.

They head to school on foot, Adrien wondering what was on Marinette's mind too.

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