The Favor

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*Emily on*

I wake up the next morning and when I turn around I see Ariana on her phone

Emily:Good morning Ari

Ariana:Oh, hey Emi, good morning

I turn to my other side and I see that Luccas isn't there, could he possibly have left? No I don't think so, might as well ask am I right?

Emily:Hey Ari, where is Luccas?

Ariana:He's downstairs making breakfast for us

Emily:Oh okay

Ariana:Oh and, uuumm, Emi?


Ariana:Talking about Luccas... Umm you know...

Emily:Ari what's going on?

She let's out a deep breath before she speaks again

Ariana:Okay look. Don't you find it quite weird? Your ex best friend, who's also your bully's best friend, suddenly feels bad for abandoning you and wants to be close to you again? Because honestly I find it really weird, and I don't like it not even a little bit

Emily:Ari... Look don't worry about him okay? I know he isn't faking because I know when he's lying, and it's honestly not because I know him, I mean because of that too, but mostly because of the fact that he's never been a good liar so, if he was faking I would know

Ariana:Are you sure? Because I mean what if he changed? What if he knows how to lie now? Emi don't get me wrong, I just don't want you to get hurt.

Emily:Ari trust me okay? He's. Not. Faking.

Ariana:Okay fine! And I really wanted to say "if he hurts you than don't come crying to me" but-

Emily:-but we both know that if he did hurt me you would be the first to be there for me, my shoulder to cry on

Ariana:Yeah, exactly. You can always count on me Emily

Emily:I know. And you can always count on me too Ari

Ariana:I know

We both hug for a few seconds and pull apart when we hear the door opening

Luccas:Oh hey, good morning Emi

Emily:Morning Luccas

Luccas:Well, whenever the ladies want, come downstairs, breakfast is ready

Ariana:We'll be down in a few seconds


He than leaves and Ariana speaks again

Ariana:Well let's get dressed before we go. Come on I'll let you borrow one of my clothes


Ariana:Actually Emi, as you know I have lots of clothes so whatever you choose you can keep it if you want

Emily:Are you sure? I know how much you love your clothes

Ariana:Yeah 100%! If anything I'll just steal them back next time I go to your house

We both laugh. I than choose some white shorts and a black top

Emily:Are you really sure I can stay with this?

Ariana:Yes of course! Now come on, let's eat!

We go downstairs and enter the kitchen

Luccas:Oh finally! Welcome! Now ladies I heard you made a reservation, so please follow me to your table

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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