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Marcia hummed as the put her hair in a ponytail. She had decided to do her hair before getting dressed. Once her hair was done she put on the dress she picked out. It was a dark blue cold shoulder dress with a small black ribbon on the front.

Marcia smiled then grabbed her purse and headed downstairs. As she entered she saw star hanging with Tom's sister. They both turned and went wide-eyed when they saw her. "Marcia...wow" star said blushing slightly and Lucia didn't like that. Just as she was about to say something Tom appeared in a burst of fire. He was in a nice suit but still casual in a way. He smiled "you look amazing Marcia...oh, hey sis." Marcia smiled and grabbed Tom's hand "well, bye you two." Marcia waved to star and Lucia and left with Tom.

"So where are we going?" Marcia asked as she held onto Tom's arm. Tom smiled "that is for me to know and you to find out." Tom started and Marcia pouted "aw, c'mon tell me." Tom just chuckled "nope" Marcia frowned, she knew she wasn't gonna get him to budge. "Can I at least have a hint?" Tom thought for a moment "blanket" he said and Marcia became confused.

Marcia struggled to wrap her head around the hint but before she knew it they were at the date. "Oh, a picnic blanket," Marcia said as she saw a picnic set up with Tom's bunny guarding it. "Hehe, what a scary protector," Marcia said as she sat down and the bunny eagerly hopped into her lap. Tom smiled and sat next to Marcia "he's the best in the business." He then scratched the little fuzz ball behind the ear.

Marcia smiled "here you go, M'lady." Tom then handed Marcia a dish and it looked great. Tom got his own out and gave the bunny a few carrots out of it. Marcia smiled as she started eating and it tasted amazing. "Tom, this is amazing did you make it?" Tom smiled "yeah, with my mom's help of course...I would have burned the house down if she wasn't there to help me." Marcia giggled "your mom sounds like a nice lady." Tom smiled "she is."

Later after the two finished eating Tom put on some music and they started dancing under the moonlight. Tom spun and twirled Marcia and her smile was heaven on earth. Tom smiled and used his powers to fly them in the air and Marcia was ecstatic. "This is amazing," Marcia said as she looked down and saw the park.

Tom smiled and brought them back down. "I'm glad you enjoyed it but I should get you home it's almost midnight." Marcia looked at her watch "wow, time flies by." Marcia said and Tom nodded he then pointed his finger at their picnic stuff and it disappeared. "That's one way to clean up." Tom laughed at Marcia "it's the only way I know how." Tom said picking his bunny up and started walking with Marcia. She giggled and leaned on Tom "better than nothing." Marcia said and enjoyed her walk home with Tom.

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