Chapter 16: Playground Owies

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Alex POV~

"Its Riley she fell a-and she got huwt."

As soon as those words came out my face went pale. I quickly checked Rowan for any cuts or bruises making sure he was ok. Seeing that there was none I turned him back around.

"It's ok buddy show me where Riley fell.", He nodded his head and took my hand to guide me to where she was.

I grabbed my phone and quickly made my way over. Going through the walkway where caregivers go to see where their little ones are to make sure we get there faster. A'mani was right behind us holding a first aid kit she must of got when I was checking Rowan for any injuries.

"She's over here.", Rowan opened the door to the ocean section of the playground and ran towards Riley, me and A'mani closely behind.

"Look Riley I brought your mommy here to help.", Riley was on the blue ground of the playground holding her knee to her chest crying her little lungs out. As soon as Rowan said 'mommy' Riley whipped her head up faster than I can comprehend.

"Mommy!", Riley threw her hands out towards me while crying harder. It was so sad but all I could think about was the fact that she called me mommy.

"Oh Princess.", I made my way over to her and knelt down. Riley immediately went to hug me and put her head into my neck.

"Where does it hurt? Show mommy where it hurts."

After a couple moments of her not moving from my neck, I gently tried to pry her from me to check where the injury was. She did not like that. She started crying louder and reaching to put her face back into my neck.

"Baby, it's okay. Mommy is here.", I gently put Riley's head back into my neck hugging her tightly to my chest.

After a couple of minutes Riley calmed down sniffling a few times. A'mani came to stand next to us holding the first aid kit out to me. I smiled gratefully at her and took the first aid kit from her. Gently removing Riley out of my neck I dried the remaining tears of her face.

"Ok Princess you think you can show me where it hurts at?", She nodded her head and pulled her right leg up to point at her knee. Looking down at it I saw a scrape there still bleeding.

"That's a nasty cut but mommy will make it all better. Don't you worry.", I poked her little nose and was rewarded with a giggle.

Opening up the first aid kit I took out some Neosporin, hydrogen peroxide, cotton balls, and a Sofia the first bandaid. Putting the items on the floor I grabbed Riley's leg.

"Here we are I'm going to clean this booboo up and put a bandaid on it okay Princess.", Riley looked at all the items I put in the floor and pointed at the Sofia the first band aid.

"Pwincess!", She said making grabby hands indicating that she wanted the band aid. I chuckled and handed it to her.

"That's right baby. Its a princess just like you.", Grabbing the hydrogen peroxide and a cotton ball I poured some of the liquid onto it.

"Now this might sting just a little bit. So be my big brave girl and be very still for me."

"Wike a 'night.", I smiled at that.

"Exactly like a knight.", Bringing her knee at bit closer I started to swipe at the scrape.

And just like I said Riley tried not to move her leg. Knowing that hydrogen peroxide isn't as bad as rubbing alcohol, it still made me smile that she was trying so hard to be brave.

After I finished putting the hydrogen peroxide on I got the Neosporin and started rubbing it in. Riley whined at me touching her still stinging scrape so I tried my hardest to be very gentle. Grabbing the bandaid I put it on the scrape and kissed it.

"There all better.", I said.

In response Riley just held out her hands ate wanting to be picked up. Putting everything away first in the first aid kit, I  stand up and grabbed Riley from off the ground. A'mani picked up the first aid kit and handed Riley a lollipop.

"What do we say Princess?"

"Tank you."

"You are very welcome cutie.", A'mani said. After a few moments of Riley struggling to open the lollipop I offered to help. Giving the lollipop back to her when I was done

"We should get going. Get these two little ones to get a nap in.", I said talking to A'mani. Looking down I see that Rowan also had got a lollipop.

"Well at least try to after these lollipops get through their system."

"Yeah sorry about that.", A'mani chuckled rubbing the back of her neck.

"No it's okay. Thanks for your help.", I said motioning to Riley's knee.

"It was no trouble. She really is a cutie.", She smiled. Looking down at Riley I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"Yeah she really is."

Getting our stuff together and saying goodbye to A'mani we left the restaurant. Boy was this a long adventure. Turning around in my seat I see Riley and Rowan fast asleep. Turning on the engine I started making our way home.


AN: Hey nerds! I brought you guys an earlier update. I couldn't publish on Monday so I decided to publish it early than late.😊

Btw A'mani name is pronounced Au-mon-ni. Just in case y'all don't know how to pronounce it.

See you guys next week hopefully.❤️

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