Chapter 18

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Come over, it's a Hiro emergency

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Come over, it's a Hiro emergency.

When Makaira sent this text to both Yoongi and Iseul, she wasn't sure if either of them would show up. After all, Yoongi's a busy man and Iseul has had her fair share of Hiro emergencies at this point. She probably has a good idea what this is about.

However, she comes knocking on the door less than half an hour later.

"What is it this time?" The teacher deadpans with a roll of her eyes.

Makaira groans. "Hiro's birthday is on Saturday and I can't figure out what to do."

"What do you mean?" Iseul asks, kicking her shoes off at the door and following her friend to the living room.

Hiro, having already finished his homework, is in there playing with his toy cars on the floor.

"I usually throw him a party or something but this year, I have no idea what to do."

"Have you tried asking him what he wants?" Iseul suggests.

Makaira laughs. But not her usual laugh, a maniacal laugh that tells her friend she's on the verge of going insane. "Try asking him, Iseul."

"Hey Hiro." Iseul crouches down next to the kid, trying to catch his attention. "What's up, buddy!"

"Hi miss Iseul!"

"So I heard your birthday's coming up, that's exciting. What do you want to do?"

Hiroshi looks up at her with wide, excited eyes. "I want a bouncy house but I also want to see Spiderman. Oh, and an ice cream truck would be super cool. I love ice cream. Oh, and I love cars too. And.."

As he keeps rambling, Iseul gives her friend a look that says 'you have your hands full with this one'.

"Yep, this is a Hiro emergency, alright." She sighs dramatically, standing up from her crouching position and plopping herself down on the couch.

"I genuinely have no idea what to do and I'm running out of time." Makaira groans. "Besides, you know how anxious I get around this time of year, with the spring  concert coming up and the anniversary of Naori's-"

She is interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. "That must be Yoongi oppa."

Iseul's eyes light up and she claps her hands together excitedly. "Oh my god, you invited him? I've been dying to meet the man you rant to me about during every lunch break."

"Yes, I did invite him." Makaira confirms with a chuckle. "Please just don't say anything to embarrass me, I'm begging you."

"No promises." Iseul winks.

"What did I get myself into.." The music teacher sighs dramatically as she scurries over to the door. Upon opening it, she is pleased to see her soulmate's handsome, although worried, face. "Hey, I-"

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