❤ Sherwin's POV ❤

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Hey! I'm Sherwin David, 15, and gay. Don't like that? Well screw you, I ain't "changing". If you're cool with that. Good for you! You're not ignorant.

I attend New Gate High and it's located in L.A. It's quite a lovely school. I can't say the same for the students.

You know how the typical high school life is. There's a popularity scale, chart, or whatever you wanna call it. You got the popular girls and boys, aka, the tyrants of the school. We got the nerds, the popular kids' prey. The geeks. The emos. And then there's my kind, the shy kid/ loner.

I'm not shy, may I mind you. I'm just to myself. Besides, I have no clue how to start a conversation with any group. And having social anxiety does not help.

The emos are cool, but I'm not emo. The nerds are.....nerds, but they're all a little snooty and full of themselves. The geeks...are nice, but I never know what they're talking about. The popular kids are popular kids and you should never approach them as a nobody, unless you want to make your life to be miserable. And talking to my own kind.....is awkward.

I think you get the point. I have no friends. But that's okay. It's not like I need them anyway. I know how to entertain myself and defend myself. I don't need a person to do that for me. I know people pity me for having that mindset, but I really don't care. It's not their life, it's mine. And if I were to make a friend, they're gonna be the most trustworthy.

Let me travel you back in time, so you'll understand my mentality. Two years ago, I was 13, I had two friends. Daron and Josh were their names. They were sort of the nerds. I liked them a lot and grew attached to them. Big mistake. I came out to them as gay. Long story short, they told the popular kids. And they radioed that to the school. And Daron and Josh are now part of the popular kids, based on the fact that they're good-looking. And now, I get bullied by my ex-best friends.

So yeah, don't blame me for having trust issues. My trust was broken two years ago. Luckily, I have enough trust to give someone a chance if I feel like they're trustworthy.

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