🩷 Jonathan's POV 🩷

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Hello! I'm Jonathan Bravo. I'm 16 years old and I have a brother named Adam Bravo.

We are currently moving to L.A. I've heard some good and bad things about it. But honestly, I'm quite excited to meet people here. Though, I will miss my old friends.

Me and my brother will be attending New Gate High. I'm so excited, unlike my brother. He hated the idea of going to L.A in the first place. But our dad has a good job here, so he has no choice. And he's not financially stable to move out, so yeah.

Adam's 17 by the way. He's a little more athletic than me and is more like a jock. But he's not one of those bad jocks. At least I don't think so. He seems to be nice to the "nobodies" at our old school.

Right, I'm bi. Meaning I like girls AND boys. My family excepts me, as long as I don't treat my future lover poorly. They did raise me to be a gentleman after all.
I've learned to treat a lady with respect and a boy is no exception. I must treat him with respect as well.

But that's all you have to hear about me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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