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Hi this is my first time writing something like this or anything in general so bear with me if it gets off to a rocky start :)
I have realised that it gets off to a bit of a slow start but I promise it's worth the read. I just like to build the world properly :)
For reference the story starts in the month of September :)
You sit in your university bedroom thinking about the implications of what is about to happen. In a matter of mere minutes your life is about to be flipped completely upside down. As the minutes pass and you edge closer and closer to 2pm you triple check to make sure that your tweet is prepared and ready to be released to the world. As you fall into a daydream thinking about every little thing that has led you to this moment you are interrupted suddenly by your roommates bursting in with champagne absolutely trashing your room.  The room fills with shouts of congratulations and the spray of champagne but only one thought runs through your head in that moment 'I'm not getting my deposit back am I'.

JOSH: "I can't believe it, my mate is going to be jetting off to LA to live with the celebrities"

Y/N: "I know man I honestly can't believe it myself. I don't know how I've fluked it this far"

AMY: "FLUKED?!?!" "You have worked incredibly hard for this even if did mean not doing any of our uni work"

JOSH: "You better not forget me when you make it big in LA" "Remember who had to put up with all the shouting at ungodly hours next door!"

Y/N: " I know, I know." " I really can't thank you guys enough for your support in making this happen, oh and don't worry about me forgetting you guys I'll fly you out in the summer"

Your roommates left to give you some time to sort everything out and in the midst of all the chaos that ensued in your room you had completely forgotten to check your phone after the announcement was made. To no surprise your phone has absolutely blown up. You were swarmed with comments and DMs in support and offering congratulations and of course it wouldn't be the internet without the occasional hate message but you had been doing this long enough to brush them off. Nothing was going to bring you down from the high of what had just happened.

You spend the good part of an hour replying to messages of support, you always made an effort to connect personally with fans on social media, and that's when it happened, you saw the notification and your heart skipped a beat.
— Pokimane started following you.—
That's when it really sank in. You were joining OfflineTV, you were moving from the gloomy winter of London to the sunshine of LA. No need to pursue the degree you didn't even really care for now. You were finally following your passion.

You mumble to yourself as you walk to the kitchen 'Me, just some guy from London is joining OTV what the f*ck'

AMY: "OI! You're not just some guy from London okay, you are THE fastest rising streamer around give yourself some credit you idiot"

Y/N: "Thank you, Again I really appreciate you guys and everything you've done to help me" "Could you go and get 'Friend 1/Any name you want to give them'? I'm taking you guys out for dinner as a thank you and a celebration"

JOSH: "So this is really it huh? You're leaving for the fame and stardom of Los Angeles"

AMY: "I'm going to miss you Y/N" she says fighting some tears

Y/N: "Guys I said I'd fly you out in the summer this isn't goodbye forever you know. You can hold me to that promise until you touch down at LAX"

AMY & JOSH: In unison "Oh we will don't you worry about that" they say with teary eyed smiles.

Your phone rings and you pick up.
Y/N: "I have to go guys that's my Uber. I'll message you when I land. I love you both" you say now fighting back tears as well. The door shuts and locks behind you. This is it.

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