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After a long day at school

You were thinking whether the quiet life was better for you.

I mean...

it's less dramatic


unless it involves er

actually nevermind

you were right at your home

Auntie Ningguang already gave you the spare keys

Heizou's presence was hard to not acknowledge

"Heizou, this is my stop. Thanks for dropping me off."

You waved as you watched him leave

but the thing is

he wasn't leaving

you kept waving

and he started laughing at you 

"I think this is your cue to leave.."

"Alright, alright, but first. Here give me your phone"


what if he tries stealing my phone?

no, no.

he saved your life

you should at least repay him

not like this though

you opened your phone and gave him it 

but you observed every move

he started typing something

then took a picture of himself

and made it your.. WALLPAPER?

ugh you don't have the energy to change it

"Here's my number! Make sure to text me"

You weren't even surprised at this point

You sighed and nodded

He finally left afterward

You entered the house to be greeted with darkness

You weren't afraid of the dark right?


you weren't afraid of the dark

you were afraid of whats IN the dark

you took your flash light

and aggressively kicked the dark each step you took in the house

until you found the light switch

you were still mesmerized of how fancy the inside of Auntie Ningguangs house was.

you went upstairs into your new room.

'I should probably finish unpacking..'

you took out your blanket and dropped yourself onto bed

'Or I can do that later'

PING!⊹ ˎˊ˗

something came from your phone

you looked to the side of you bed to pick up your phone

and see someone messaged you

Oct 28

5:02 pm

Darling 💕

Do you miss me?

ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇ-heizou x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now