𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝟐 -- 𝐀 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐭

598 24 40

(a shorter story)

you heard the door open

"You look stupid"

you noticed who entered the room

"Don't lie, Y/B. You chose the dress"

he laughed

"Alright, Ms. L/N"

his smile soon faded away

"That'll be the last time you'll be called that, huh?"

"I guess so"

you continued putting on your make up

until you heard sniffles from behind you

"Brother, are you crying?"

he turned around the moment you turned towards him


"Awwwh, is my older brother crying for me? So sweet"


you finished applying you lipstick to top it off

"Yes, I am actually"

but you struggled on one part though

"But can you help me put on my veil?"


The doors swung open

you held onto your brothers arms as you take your first step into the room


you kinda tripped on your dress

you can hear a few people holding their laughs

but your brother on the other hand

he laughed at you

not even holding it in

"You're so stupid!"

"Big brother.. shut up"

suddenly you heard laughing from somewhere

you couldn't tell where


your brother yelled

I guess

that'll make up for it

you continue you walk down the isle

the bells echoing from the room

and white blossoms falling

each step you take

the carpet felt so long

you don't know how much longer it'll take

to reach


you heard the same sniffling again

you pushed your brother arm

and whispered to him

"you gotta stop crying!"

"I can't, you're growing up too quickly"

he finally let you go as you reached the stairs

taking a few steps up

and turning to Heizou

you can tell how much love he had

just from looking in his eyes

"You look beautiful... Mrs. Shikanoin"

"You can't call me that until we're officially married~"

you both giggled quietly

the priest coughed

and the whole room went silent

"friends, family, and loved ones"

"we come together today, in the-"


the more he continued

the more you started getting sleepy

you looked at heizou

he didnt seem sleepy at all

just staring at you

you felt your face turning red again

you should've been used to this already

you don't want to sweat though

your makeup would come off

but you stared back at him


how many minutes have passed?

you don't know

just staring at him

and before you knew it

the priest was almost done

"Heizou, do you take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"

the sparkles in his eyes

they glew

"Y/N, do you take Heizou to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

after a few more words

you both exchanged ringed

the plastic ones he gave you a few years ago were put in a very safe place

inside your apartment together

the rings you put on one another

looked very plain

but they seemed so special to heizou

looking at him as he stared at the ring

felt like

something inside you healed

you couldn't think of what it was

but honestly

it didn't even bother you one bit

you just wanted to cherish this day

"I am happy to pronounce, you to be husband and wife."

"You may now kiss"

he took off your veil

Heizou came closer

but he seemed hesitant

he whispered to you

"Do I really deserve this?"

you smiled

"I should be asking that to myself"

he held your waist

and touched your lips with his

"I guess we're both lucky then"

staring at one another

the door opened

some men from the tenryou commission came


"I'm in the middle of getting married here."

he seemed annoyed...

"Ah sorry,, congratulations"

he sighed

and turned back to you

"Mrs. Shikanoin, will you do the honor of becoming my assistant for this case?"


this gave you memories

"Of course, Mr. Detective."

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝

ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇ-heizou x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now