Toya the Platypus

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"Why, if it isn't Aoyagi-kun the platypus." Dr. Kamishiro mused and pressed a button on the remote, trapping the blue platypus on a chair.

"Say, do you eat vegetables?" He quizzes, even though there will be no reply from the platypus because he can't speak.

"I see... Well, I actually despise them!" Dr. Kamishiro explodes, removing a cloth covering a a machine which seems to resemble a giant gun. "Behold, my No-Veggie-Inator!"

Toya deadpanned from the name of the inator and the fact the author's non-existent brain cells led to something as cursed as this fic that will never be out to the public... or is it already out but the author doesn't know about it because the author didn't want to embarrass herself like with the Parm's Affogato oneshot.

"There was a time in my life my mother forced me to eat them. If I ever left them out to rot, I have to become a garden gnome and guard our garden and be yelled at in German to not move an inch." He began to sob.

'Andrea, this is stupid.' The platypus thought whilst the mad scientist's continues sobbing in the background. 'Why am I a platypus?'

Who would've thought a platypus would have interesting thoughts on why he is a platypus and thinking about how stupid this idea is.

"Now, Aoyagi-kun, I have a plate of these disgusting veggies on the table. What happens to these veggies once this this inator aims at the veggies? You will have to wait and see!"

And with that, Dr. Kamishiro pressed a different button on the remote, causing the inator to emit a beam at the plate of veggies, which then disappeared into some void. Toya the Platypus has to do something to stop this silly-yet-concerning-scheme of Dr. Kamishiro.

Toya looked around for something he can use to escape the trap created by the evil scientist. Then he saw a box cutter and tried to maneuver to the said item and cuts the rope off while the machine is doing its job. 

As the veggies disappeared, the evil scientist cackled.

"It works! Now, to take this to the grocery store and-" He got kicked in the face by an animal with webbed feet. "Aoyagi-kun the Platypus? But how did you-"

Another kick in the face.

Toya searches for a certain button on the machine and once he found it, he pressed it, causing the No-Veggies-Inator to explode into tiny pieces. The platypus ditches the lair as Dr. Kamishiro chases after him, only for the platypus to disappear.

"Curse you, Aoyagi-kun the Platypus!" He cursed, causing the lair to explode.


Toya: Why did you decide to write this?

Andrea: It just formed in my head. It's absolutely cursed, I know.

Rui: It self destructed... ;-;

Toya: Don't worry, Kamishiro-senpai, this thing won't happen again. Right, Andrea?

Andrea: Yeah... *isn't sure*

Toya: Oh my god...


RIP. My braincells after reading this. Please don't come after me, I needed to write something to get this whole thing out of my head. I can probably guarantee that this cursed thing called "Toya the Platypus" won't happen again u̶n̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶w̶h̶o̶ ̶a̶c̶t̶u̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶e̶n̶j̶o̶y̶e̶d̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶. qwq

First Published: 7/31/22
Edited: -/-/-

(Word Count: 447)

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