「 kaeya x gn!reader :: wine 」

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ehe <3
this was longer than planned but its fiiiine

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« Lime, Slight Grapefruit »

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮« Lime, Slight Grapefruit »

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Art By Nokkusu.art:
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"Wine?" The cavalry captain picked up his glass of wine, holding it out to you. You looked from his eyes to the glass in his hand, tentatively plucking it from his fingers.

"So, about our...business," Kaeya hinted.

"Yeah, what about it?" You lifted the glass to your mouth, tipping the liquid into your mouth. You almost spilled a bit onto your leather jacket.

After taking a gulp or two, you placed the glass back down onto the counter, looking back at the cavalry captain.

"Well... I merely decided that it was worth mentioning, no?" He smiled. You knew his mind games.

"Hm. How so? What was of importance, in your mind?" You asked him, choosing every word carefully.

"Surely it's worth mentioning how I stumbled upon you eliminating enemies. After all, I believe you said something about not being able to fight." He asked, confidence lacing his tone.

Thinking of how to respond, you lifted your glass to your mouth again to buy you some time.

After quickly thinking of a response, you put down your glass and confidently looked him in the eye.

"You seem to be mistaken. Although I claimed that there were some... limitations of my combat, I never stated that I could just simply not fight." You stated, smiling innocently. He chuckled.

"Oh? Perhaps you misunderstood me. Shall we take this upstairs?" The cavalry captain motioned to the bartender, seemingly a little bit too interested in their conversation.

"Of course, captain. Lead the way." You grinned at him, relaxing your eyes.

Picking up your glass, you stood up and began treading towards the stairs, following the captain. You made sure that he was ahead of you so that he never left your sight.

Reaching the second floor, Kaeya started heading towards the balcony door of Angel's Share. You followed his lead as he pushed the door open, walking out onto the balcony.

"Close the door behind you." He spoke, gazing out at the view of Mondstadt.

You shrugged your shoulders as you walked out onto the balcony. You turned around to close the door. As you reached for the knob, the captain started talking.

"You know, I seem to recall someone stating that you had a disadvantage in terms of combat, causing you to be almost entirely incapable of doing anything of the sort." He stated, obviously suspicious of you. You smiled and pulled the door shut, hearing a click as it did.

"Huh. In that case, I fear that you may be recalling incorrectly." You went for the gaslighting approach. You knew there was no way he was going to believe you, but you decided that you could buy yourself a bit of time.

"What are you playing at?" The captain questioned, his tone of voice laced with suspicion. As you were about to talk, you suddenly saw his hand against the wall right next to your head. Turning around to face him, you saw him to be right in front of you.

Internally taking a deep breath, you calmed yourself enough to respond.

"Why, what makes you think that I'm playing at something?" You smirked, quickly taking a sip of your wine and then dropping the glass, shattering it. He looked down at it, leaving him distracted for a short period of time.

You needed to make that period of time longer if you had a chance of escaping, but you were trapped and couldn't attack him even if you wanted to.

So you did the only thing you thought of.

Gulping down the wine, you eyed his black leather jacket. You yanked on the zipper and pulled his head towards yours. He quickly turned in your direction and widened his eyes as you closed the gap between you two.

In his two seconds of shock, you used that to your advantage and felt around in your own jacket's pockets for the communication device.

You felt around your pocket for a while, and began panicking while every second passed.

'Shoot, I might need a longer distraction.' You scanned your mind for any thoughts or ideas, mind completely dry.

Suddenly, the cavalry captain put his hand behind your head, forcing you closer. You internally screamed as he slipped his tongue inside your mouth; tasting the leftovers of the wine.

Finally locating the communication device in your other pocket, you mentally sighed in relief and pulled away from the captain. You caught your breath and put on your fake act, giving him a small chuckle.

"Until we meet again, captain." You winked at him, swiftly taking off your jacket and throwing it at his eyes, effectively blinding his view for half a second.

You took advantage of that half second, using your anemo vision to help you jump onto the walls of Mondstadt. You ran out of Kaeya's view, hearing him yell after you.

Using your vision to your advantage, you ran up a tower with the help of the wind preventing you from plummeting to your death. Once you reached the top, you kneeled down to keep yourself hidden and tapped on the communication device.

"Agent Two, reporting in. I need an escape. I am currently located on the northeast tower on Mondstadt's walls. Over," you spoke quickly, yet slow enough to make sure they could understand your words. After a second or two, the communication device started emitting static.

"Agent Five here. I'm near you, so stay put. I'll be coming with with a helicopter so you'll need to get in fast before we're spotted. Over." Your coworker stated.

Letting out a large breath of relief, you finally relaxed. You dropped your device and thought about the events prior.

It kind of felt...nice.

I mean, it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.

Not that you thought it would be bad, it's just—

"Hey! Hurry up!" You heard a voice usher you. Panicking, you looked up and saw a ladder being dropped down. You jumped up and reached out for the ladder, clutching it in one hand. You heard voices yelling as your coworker flew off quickly.

Hanging onto the ladder, you glanced down at the city.

You saw him on the tower you were just on, reaching down to grasp something in his palm.

Looking closer, you could see that it was...

Your communication device.

"Well, sh—"

7/18/2022 — 7/18/2022

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