The mistake

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God damnit! All i wanted was a pepsi, just one pepsi! And she wouldn't let me! Just one pepsi! Ugh, great, what now? I still have my band and my friends and all, but Willow thinks i like Catherine and probably doesn't want to talk to me ever until we graduate and separate ways! Whatever i'll just see what happens Monday i guess.

*Sunday night*

I was sitting in my room listening to T.S.O.L and browsing through what's going on in the world on my laptop when suddenly my phone rang. I checked who was calling and it was Catherine. "Hello?" I answered, "Hey,Jello? You got a minute?" "Uh,yeah why?" (suddenly just like me came on by T.S.O.L came one) "I like you...wanna go out?" "Ummm..." all of a sudden my life shattered.


Oh,fuck! Why did that song have to play at this moment? You may be asking right now "well, she couldn't hear that!" Well, lemme tell you when i play music...i play it LOUD! So she damn well heard it,bro. Needless to say, Catherine squealed and started to go off saying how she had to tell her friends or something. "Hey, i'll see you in geography tomorrow! Good night, Jello my boyfriend!" God damnit! Why did i have to have that song playing? Shit, now i'm gonna have to tell her the truth before she really takes this far. But, i don't wanna look like an asshole and "go out" for a night. Ugh, i'm just gonna sleep this off...only i can't sleep.

Just a cheesy story about just another brick in the wallWhere stories live. Discover now