Never Lose A Bet With The School Freak. Pt. 1

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Oh fuck. Today was the day... How could you have been so stupid. How could you have agreed to do something so unholy? Oh right, you were drunk. That was your biggest problem honestly. It's not like you had a problem with alcohol... but to put it basically, once you started drinking, you couldn't stop. A weird feeling came over you as you walked into class. Maybe everybody would've forgotten already? Hopefully everyone would've. It's not like you weren't up to the challenge, but... it was something that you hadn't done before. And more importantly, if you were to get caught, you would literally get in so much trouble. Did you want to do it? Did you not want to do it? All of these thoughts ran through your head as your hands simultaneously began to clench onto the fabric of your skirt. After all, so many things could go so wrong if you decided to go through with it... but also... so many things could go so right...

"Yo, Yo!! There she is!!" you heard someone from across the room shout. You looked over to see who it was. Over in the other corner of the classroom, there was a jock looking kind of guy that you didn't recognise. It quickly became obvious that he was talking about you, as you were the only person to have just entered the room. He continued to make a big deal about your entrance to his friends (who you also didn't recognise). Were they ever in this class? You hadn't recalled seeing them before.
"I'm telling you, this chic was so drunk at Macy's party on Friday that she-"... he continued on to  loudly whisper to his friends, as if you weren't standing right there.

"Hello? Do I know you?" you interrupted the gossip sesh that he was having about you. The jock's head shot up in surprise as if he didn't expect you to hear him talking about you, even though you were right there.

"Awww" he said in kind of a mockingly disappointed tone. Common (y/n), You don't remember me?" He said in kind of a dicky way, almost as if he was trying to get a rise out of you. "Macy's party? The strip poker? We made out a few times?" He continued to list off a bunch of random things to "jog your memory", (He was really just trying to brag to his friends while embarrassing you at the same time). Not really having any recollection over anything he was saying though, you just stood there in confusion. "Well, that's alcoholic bitches for ya, am I right guys" he laughed to his friends, who laughed along with him. Now, this really bothered you, but honestly at that point in time you were to tired to even care. Being fed up with the jock, and in an attempt to get to your desk , you attempted to gently shove  him out of the way. "HEY! come onnn what the hell was that for ah?" He said in response to your antics. Yes his teasing was all in good fun, but you just weren't in the mood.

"uhhg" you begrudgingly sighed as you sat down at your desk," Whatever", you responded, still not really knowing what to do. But after a few seconds of awkward silence, you decided to try and say something to ease the air. "Hey... do you know if Eddie is coming?" You asked the jock. After all, you were genuinely wondering if he was gonna show up. A devious smile started to spread across the jocks face as you instantly regretted bringing up the subject.

"oh..... My... God..." He said to his friends, trying not to laugh. "Guys, shes actually gonna do it" he said to his group before even answering you. "Are you actually gonna do it (y/n)" he turned back to you to ask.

You paused for a moment and contemplated your answer. On one hand... you kind of actually wanted to do it... a weird part of you always got kind of turned on by the thought of.... doing things in front of other people. But on the other hand if you were caught, you could get in some serious, serious, serious, trouble. Not only that, but if you decided to do this, it would change the way that everyone would look at you forever. Your reputation would be... maybe not necessarily ruined, but this... this was definitely something that  you were going to be remembered by.  "Well.. I mean, I am a woman of my word so as long as Eddie shows I guess ill do it.... But next time we're at a party together, don't let me make and or lose any stupid bets that result in my playing try not to cum in front of the whole class." you said in response. 

"PFFFFFT" you heard a weird noise come from the other side of the room right after you finished speaking, and you turned to see that a random guy who had been listing in on the conversation that you were just having, was sitting there like he had just seen a ghost. He was obviously completely shocked at what he had just heard. You and the jock just gave him a dirty look as he had no business listening into the conversation like that, before returning to the conversation.

"anyways, no promises, I'm actually really looking forward to seeing you hot and bothered" he laughed. As much as you wanted to be upset with him, some weird sick twisted part of you was really liking the idea of doing things in front of other people....And well,at the end of the day, it was you who lost the bet, and it was you who agreed to go through with the punishment of losing. 

Just as you were starting to get lost in thought again, you heard the jock and his friends start to act up again, followed by the familiar sound of heavy walking coming into the classroom. An unexplainable feeling of excitement shot through your stomach as you heard a metal box being set down on a near by desk. Then, out of breaking the silence, you heard a deep voice begin to speak while deviously chuckling under their breath. " Hey sweetheart,  you remember our deal from the other night right? Please don't tell me you've forgotten.. because I wouldn't like that... and you of all people should know what happens when a beautiful girl such as yourself does something that I don't like."

Your head shot up in shock as the full realisation of what was about to happen dramatically washed over you, but before you could even speak....

To be continued. 

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