Party Favors

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At 7PM, I decided to go over and knock on Arny's door. I had touched up my makeup before doing so, so I was looking as fresh as this morning. I knocked and Pete opened the door, wearing his red and white wig again.
" Oh hey Taelor! Sorry none of us changed, we went to the second day of AnimeCon and just forgot about it... Come in! Dinner is almost ready! Nice Kuromi makeup by the way!" He smiled and opened the door wide. I liked Pete. He was cute and outgoing and kind. I got more introverted vibes from Danny and Arny. It was cool that they had variety in their friend group. I definitely had a romantic interest towards Arny only, though.
" Hey Tae! Can I call you that? I mean, if not it's fine. I just thought the rhyme would be funny," Danny joked. I shrugged my shoulders and threw my hands up, " Sure go ahead Dan." He froze and gave me a frightening stare. " No, don't call me Dan. Ever. That sounds foul, ugh," He shuddered and Pete and I looked at eachother before laughing. Danny joined in, too.
" Okay guys, it's done! Oh, hi," Arny acknowledged me while carrying a big pan of eggs, bacon, and sausage all mixed together in it. He had a plate of flour tortillas in the other hand.
" Wait, you can't just put the hot pan on the wooden table, it will leave white rings on the wood." I went into his bathroom and grabbed a hand towel and folded it in half.
" Here, use this as a potholder. It should be fine that way." I set the towel onto the coffee table, and he put the hot pan onto it. " Thanks," he said. I just gave him a thumbs up.
" So, are we eating and playing or are we eating and watching a movie and THEN playing?" Pete asked. Arny looked at me, as if he wanted me to answer.
" Oh, uh, I don't care. Whatever you guys want to do." Danny shrugged and starting wrapping up his first burrito. Pete did the same, and Arny... didn't.
" I'm not sure if I made enough for all of us to have 3rds so got ahead and grab some before I do." I took his offer, but also gave them some advice. " If you don't put as much filling, you could all have 3 and some leftover, because you are eating the breading too." They nodded, their mouths packed full of food.
We ate in silence, except the occassional comment about AnimeCon. When we all agreed we were finished, I helped Arny put everything away or into the sink. Then, I brought out the cards.
" So I brought the Nasty Bundle expansion. It's the one I thought we would have the most fun with." I handed the deck to Arny, and we started shuffling and dealing cards. I decided I could read the first black card, so I did. " Why can't I sleep at night?" The boys read all of their cards, and picked their best shots as I had my eyes closed. Someone shuffled them for me, and then handed them to me. I opened my eyes.
" Why can't I sleep at night? A defective condom. Viagra. Poor life choices." Those were my 3 options. Whoever's card I chose, they got a point. " The best one is a defective condom," I announced, and Pete reached for the black card. That was his first point. We started a discard pile to put our white ones, and continued. Arny was next to read.
" The blind date was going horribly wrong until we discovered our shared interest in blank." I searched through my deck, and picked out my first choice. The other 2 did as well, and I shuffled them around before putting them in Arny's hand. He opened his eyes and started reading. " The blind date was going horribly wrong until we discovered our shared interest in politics. ... our shared interest in porn. Until we discovered our shared interest in-" And he stopped. He didn't read my card.
Danny snatched it from him. " Sluts. It says sluts Arny." He flicked the card back. Arny nodded, and his curly hair bounced. He held it up, " This one wins." I grabbed it from him, and smiled.
We played until Pete won with 10 black cards. I had 9, and Arny and Danny tied with 6. I looked at the time- 1AM.
" Holy shit, I didn't know it was so late. I hope you guys don't work in the morning," I said, kind of panicked. They all shook their heads no. " The only thing happening in the morning is Danny and I catching the bus ride to the airport to go home." I gave a confused look.
" You guys don't live in this state?" They shook their heads no, and explained that they all met online and got together when the time presented itself, especially during conventions.
" Well, I should go anyways. Thanks for having me over and enjoying games with me. It was fun!" I grabbed the card pack and walked towards the door, and Arny followed.
" My doorway is 5 feet away, I think I can walk myself home," I pointed out. He ignored me. " Well, just in case," he said.
He walked me right up to my door and I set the card pack on the ground so I could unlock the door. I turned around before doing that, though.
" Thank you. Tonight has been the best night I've had in weeks." Then, I kissed him. He was tensed up at first, but immediately relaxed, pulling my hips into him and held the back of my head with one hand.
I deepened the kiss, wanting more. I reached around his shoulders, and intertwined my fingers with his curls. He stopped and pulled away, staring directly into my eyes. I waited for him to speak, but he didn't. He kissed me again, passionately, but only for a second. Then he kissed my forehead.
" I'm glad you enjoyed tonight. Definitely come over more often," he smiled, putting his hands into his pockets. I nodded, " I will," and turned to unlock my door. I picked up the cards, and stepped inside. Before I could start to shut the door he asked, " So, what did I do to deserve that blessing?" I blushed, and replied, " Think of it as a party favor." And I shut the door, saying nothing else and not waiting for his reply.
I leaned against the backside of the door, and heard his footsteps recede, and finally his door shut. There was some murmuring, and then excited yelling and thumping. Oh my God, are they jumping up and down and celebrating our kiss? Absurd, I smiled.
I took a nice hot shower, cleansing all of the makeup off. I hopped into bed and grabbed my phone, about to text Arny when I realized I didn't have his phone number... Well, it will be the reason I see him tomorrow, I smiled. And I went to sleep.

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