05 To Find Meaning

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A king once said everything lacks meaning,
He has forgotten the awe of timing,
As time permits soul searching wanderings,
Which is the essence of human longing.

As sure as the coming of each new dawn,
Time will eagerly put on a new fawn,
Endlessly twirling till all light is gone,
The sprinklers come on to water the lawn,
And the children slowly begin to yawn.

Humans began calculating each tick,
Marking the end of each day with a pick,
Making one wish to freeze time with a click,
To find the passion that give us a kick,
As we all yearn to leave a mark that sticks.

*[one of 4 winners] A sonnet entry for CoffeeCommunity's "The Beauty Of Time" contest.
This was a real fun one as it got my brain juice bubbling with choice of words.

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