Where the fuck is my wife?

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In which y/n helps Matt out in an undercover mission. they have to play husband and wife, and to Matt the thing comes a lot more natural that you'd thought.


To say that Foggy was pissed was an understatement.

Things were awkward in the office. He and Matt didn't talk if not to discuss cases. You and Karen glanced at them while working, then looking at each other with a bummed expression.

The situation was a big Deja-vu for you. It reminded you of when he discovered Matt's second life.

You remember that day like it was yesterday.


You, Karen and Foggy had spent the evening at Josie's to mourn. Mrs. Cardenas' death had hit you all pretty hard. Especially Foggy. He blamed himself.
You didn't drink much, mainly because you knew someone had to watch Foggy. You knew Karen would know when to stop, but Foggy was too broken to set a limit.

You managed to make him stop drinking and go home, but he wanted to go to Matt's first.

Matt wasn't with you three that night. It bummed you a bit. You always felt more comfortable around him, he was like a guardian angel to you.

You didn't know how, but he could always tell if someone in the bar was coming to hit on you or bother, and he knew what to do to protect you. He did that with Karen too, and you appreciated him a lot for that.

He was also the only one who could make Foggy reason. Well, at least until that night.

Foggy had knocked on his door, with you standing behind him to keep him from falling down the stairs. Karen went home, she was too tired and drunk to be on Foggy-duty.

"Matt!" he yelled before knocking again "Come on, Matt! I need to talk to you"

"Foggy, maybe he's not home"

He sighed, ignoring your words

"We need to keep going, Matt" he continued with his voice breaking "We gotta nail that bastard to the wall. We gotta make him pay. For Elena. For everything"

You pulled him away, sad at seeing him so broken "Come on, Fog. He's not in here"

Just as you finished the sentence, you heard something clattering inside your colleague's apartment.

"Matt?" you said

"Are you okay in there? Matt?"

Foggy reached for the door frame, where Matt hid his spare key, and opened the door

"Matt? It's us. Foggy and y/n" he said as the two of you entered the apartment "I heard a crash. Not the fun, sexy-time kind, more of the I've-fallen-and-I-can't-get-up variety"

Sound of steps echoed in the apartment.

"If anyone who's in here is not supposed to be, I will mess you up. I'm not kidding" Foggy grabbed one of Matt's white canes that laid next to the door.

A figure walked forward, and you immediately recognized it. It was the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. The vigilante operating in your neighborhood

"Where's Matt? What'd you do to him?" you asked before the man fell on the floor with a groan

"Shit" Foggy said, taking out his phone as you kneeled next to the vigilante and starting to dial 911.

"Foggy, don't. I don't think he'd like hospitals"

Foggy kneeled next to you as you grabbed the hem of the mask and took it off the Devil's head.

"Oh my God!" you gasped "Matt?"

Matt Murdock ~ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now