Please, don't leave me

666 15 13

Requested by @problemchild13579 


In which y/n has a bad day and lashes out at Matt. Perhaps a little too harshly.


"Please, don't leave me" was the only thing you could think about.

It wasn't your first fight with Matt. Two of the most stubborn people in the world together for more than three years? You two were lucky if you managed to stay two weeks without yelling at each other. But your fights were never too serious: you mostly disagreed on ordinary silly stuff, just like siblings living in the same house do. This one instead... was nasty.

It started as nothing, with Matt getting mad about you not telling him that you went to a girls' night. It wasn't about the night out per se, but about him getting worried about not finding you in bed at his return in the middle of the night. He was scared someone had hurt you. You would have found that cute, but that night you weren't in the mood to let stuff go. It had been a very stressful day at work, with your boss yelling at you, your colleagues being jerks as always, and you accidentally deleting the file you had been working on all day. Then as you were walking back home, you got catcalled by an old man smoking outside his apartment. On top of that, you had one drink too much while out with your friends, so you were definitely not capable of controlling yourself.

You let it all out in front of him. All the anger, the stress, the fear. Full breakdown. The drinks in your system didn't help, so you started to complain about all the mildly annoying things Matt did, even those that you found cute. You went on and on, and the people around the two of you were staring, and that made you even more angry.

Matt had the patience to let you finish, seemingly calm, but you could clearly see the veins of his neck standing out. His counterattack was ready. Would he let it all out there and then, or bring the argument back home? You didn't want to wait to find out.

"...And you are like glue, Matt. Always stuck to my side, because 'God-forbid y/n decides to do something on her own, poor little thing, so delicate and defenseless'. Well, let me tell you something, Matthew Murdock, you can't make a fucking difference. The world is full of bad people. What are you gonna do? Stop them all? News flash: you can't! How can a blind man stop crime in a whole city? You couldn't even protect your father!"

You stopped and put a hand over your mouth. You said something bad. Really bad.

You watched him as his face went from annoyed to mad, to shocked, to disappointed. Then you watched him adjusting his red glasses and walking away from you, out of the bar and into the street.

You couldn't move. What you said was truly awful, especially since you knew how Matt felt about his father's murder.

Your friends had stopped talking with each other, now sipping from their drink in silence. You excused yourself to the bathroom, where you hid in one of the stalls to let out your tears.

'That's it,' you thought, 'he's gonna leave me. I went too far. Why did I just say that? He was just worried about me, why did I treat him like this? Why did I lash out?' You pressed your hands on your face, trying to cool down and think, but you couldn't. 'And why the hell did I stand still? Why didn't I stop him, or follow him?'

You let out a sob louder than the others.

"Hey in there!" you heard a voice from outside the stall "Is everything okay?"

"Do I sound like everything's okay?!" You spat back, then regretting it. You really couldn't stop, could you? "Sorry. I'm a bit-"

"Drunk and miserable?"

Matt Murdock ~ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now