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Various changing images are shown on a screen with a narrator speaking over them. "From a young age, it was obvious that the young prince of Latveria had a gift." The first picture is a young dark haired boy building elaborate structures out of building blocks, then transitioning to a slightly older young man taking apart an engine.
"At 16 he graduated from MIT and used his intelligence to found Doom enterprises." An older version of the dark haired youth from earlier is shown in front of a backdrop of a large building.
"Under the leadership of the young CEO, Latveria rose to become one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world, rivaling that of Wakanda." An image of the grown Victor standing with his wife and children with a grey filter is shown.
(His wife is Wanda Maximoff and his kids are Billy and Tommy)
"But then, tragedy struck. Wanda Von Doom and her two sons, died in a horrible car accident during a business trip to America only three years after the death of her brother, Pietro Maximoff, caught in the crossfire of a violent gang shootout, leaving Doom as the only survivor." The new image shows Victor standing over four graves, before changing to show him in his lab, diligently at work.
"However, the now king of Latveria wouldn't let his grief overcome his duty to his people, and poured himself into his work, eventually striking a partnership with Hank Pym, and a newfound rivalry with fellow boy genius and weapons manufacturer Tony Stark. What shall be his next great invention? Only time will tell."

The now older Victor turns off the memorial video playing on the monitor in front of him with red rimmed eyes.

Suddenly his assistant enters his office. "Sir, Doctor Pym is here to see you."
Victor gathers his nerves before nodding firmly. "Yes, thank you Steven. How are your brothers?"
Steven smiles warmly. "They're good sir."
Suddenly his features harden the tiniest fraction, although smirking good naturedly and his accent shifts from British to American. "I can speak for myself thanks Steven."
His posture tightens and he's speaking Spanish. "Lo que dijo." ((What he said) this is using google translate. If I get anything wrong, please tell me.)
Victor can't help but chuckle at his assistant/head of security/bodyguards antics.

Victor walks up to Hank Pym. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Stay out of trouble you three."
"Sin promesas." (No promises) Jake chuckles. He follows closely behind his employer, his expression shifting back into Stevens' cheery demeanour.
With a final smile at his employee(s) he exits his office to meet with his new partner.
Victor finds him waiting in the lobby. "Doctor Pym, so good to see you my friend." Victor shakes his hand.
Hank simply shakes his head with a smile. "Please, you've more than earned the right to call me Hank by now."
"Then by all means, call me Victor." Victor starts walking alongside Hank. "You know, when you approached me offering a partnership, I was more than a little surprised."
Hank follows close beside him. "Well Pym tech wasn't making any major breakthroughs anytime soon, and it was either the bomb obsessed playboy or the humanitarian king. Not a hard call to make."
Victor greets some passing interns. "I can only imagine. As you can see, your employees are integrating well with the staff here, and your Pym particles have actually helped in a lot of cases. We're actually able to transport a lot of materials much faster now. We even used them to help experiment with that meteorite that crashed in my home country." They look through a piece of glass to see an intern attach a red disc to a chunk of silver metal, causing it to triple in size.

Hank nods. "Glad we could help. What is it exactly?"
Victor shrugs. "We're not sure yet. It's unlike anything we've ever seen before. It's highly conductive, more so than anything we have, and stronger than even vibranium."
Hank can't help but look intrigued. "Sounds impressive."
Victor smirks. "It is indeed. We plan on using it to build the quantum tunnel."
Hank is taken aback. "You mean you cracked it? How?"
Victor brushes off his suit. "With five hours and a lot of coffee."
Hank starts getting excited. "That's incredible. We could solve so many problems with that kind of technology. Storage, trash, overpopulation. The possibilities are endless."
Victor nods. "That is why I'm overseeing the project personally." He stops suddenly as he sees Tony Stark speaking to one of his scientists. "Excuse me for a moment." He walks up to his rival and squares up against him. "What are you doing here Stark?"
The smug CEO turns to his competitor. "It's called poaching, ever heard of it?"
Victor crosses his arms. "Yes, but I think you'll find that to be a bit difficult here. Unlike you, I listen to my employees."
Stark just smirks. "You got me there. This guy," he points to the annoyed scientist he was speaking with "put up bit of a fight, not gonna lie. But that won't matter, not when I buy this company."
Victor lets out a curt laugh. "That's not happening, not while I'm still around."
Stark attempts to square up to Doom, but it is difficult, since he's shorter than him, and his smirk grows. "Yeah except you don't have an heir, and you won't be around forever. Isn't it the anniversary of your family? You know it's a shame that they won't be here to see me take you down. I'm sure that lovely wife of yours would have enjoyed the company of a real man. Wanda Stark has a certain ring to it, don't you think?"
Overcome with rage, Victor grabs Stark by the collar of his expensive suit and slams him into a window overlooking one of the labs, cracking the glass.
Despite being in pain, Stark thought it wise to provoke Doom further. "Well, someone doesn't skip chest and shoulders."
"I suggest you tread lightly Stark." Doom growls. "Or you'll piss off the wrong person."
Suddenly a click is heard and Harold 'Happy' Hogan is pointing a gun to Dooms head. "I'm gonna have to suggest you stop threatening my boss Mr Doom."
Jake points a smaller, more advanced gun at Happy's head as well. "Ni siquiera lo pienses." (Don't even think about it)
Doom hesitates before releasing his rival and straightening out his own suit. "Jake, could you please escort our unwelcome guests out?"
Stark raises his hands in surrender as the angry bodyguard approaches him. "No need. I know my way out." Stark leaves with Happy following close behind after a moment of hesitation.
Marc walks up to his boss. "Are you alright sir?"
Victor waves off Marc's concern. "I am fine, thank you Marc."
Marc looks down the hallway. "Are you sure we should leave him alone? We don't trust him."
His stance becomes more timid and his accent shifts. "Yeah. Is that really a good idea?"
Doom pats Stevens back. "Trust me, he won't do anything, and if he tries, he'll have a whole country against him."
Steven nods slowly. "Yeah, I guess, if you say so."
His expression becomes more angry and he storms off muttering curses in Spanish.
Hank walks up to the now composed Doom in concern. "Where is he going?"
Victor looks at his angry bodyguard. "Most likely? To hit something. Anyway, we should get back to the tour. I assume you're interested in how the quantum tunnel is coming along?"
Hank is confused by the sudden topic change. "Uh, yes but-"
"Great." Doom cuts him off. "Then let's go see how my scientists are coming along."
He hurriedly goes down the hallway with Hank following.

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