Chapter 4

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Days later, the ragtag group of enhanced were wandering into a church to meet a mystery figure. They see him cloaked behind a statue.

"Do you know why the church is in the centre of town? They said it was so everyone could be equally close to god. I enjoy that. That geometry of belief... You're wondering why you can't look inside my head."
Wand sun unperturbed by the figures rant on belief. "It's not the first time, actually."

While Wanda talks to the mystery man, Victor uses his new range of vision to asses their intentions. Neurons usually fire weird when someone is nervous. What Victor finds is concerning to say the least.
Wanda picks up her debate with the stranger. "Most men break eventually."
The stranger stands and discards his cloak to reveal Ultron. "You needed more than a man. That's why you let Stark take the sceptre."
Wanda is taken aback by Ultron's appearance but collects herself."I saw his fear. I knew it would destroy him and that he would destroy himself."
Victor watches Ultron make a speech about people making the things that destroy them. 'He wanders, moves when he talks. And those hand gestures. It's almost like he's alive. This is going to be very interesting. Bets keep an eye on him though. I've seen enough terminator movies to know that implicitly trusting a robot isn't a good idea.'

At the Sokovia base, Victor is inspecting parts of the Iron Legion when Ultron addresses him. "Go ahead, take a reactor. You must be hungry."
'Hungry. Yeah, I guess that's what this is now.' He rips a reactor from one of the robots chests and drains it before crushing it in his hand. 'The energy in these things is different to electricity. Do different types of energy feel different when absorbed? Perhaps I should absorb power more slowly next time in order to see how it... tastes?'
Ultron starts another speech. "The Avengers are disconnected. Uncoordinated. Stark has them pitted against one another, but when you get inside their heads..."
Pietro scoffs. "So the plan is to not kill them?"
Ultron strides up to Pietro while Victor watches the exchange. "That would make them martyrs. Legends. You need patience. To see the big picture."
Pietro shakes his head. "I don't need the big pucture. I have a little picture and I look at it every day."
Victor looks down at his hands sadly while Ultron lectures Pietro. 'We all carry a little picture Pietro. I am truly sorry about your family, but I can't kill anyone. I just hope I can stop you when the time comes.'

At a salvage yard, Victor, Wanda and Pietro enter the office of one Ulysses Klaue. He doesn't seem too surprised. "Ah, the twins, the enhanced, Strucker's prize pupils." He looks at Victor. "You're new." Pietro zooms over and grabs one, eliciting an eye roll from Wanda and something resembling a mirthful smirk from Victor. Klaue composed himself after the shock of Pietro's speed. "Listen, let's cut to the chase. You are new at this whole intimidation thing, and I only ever speak to the man in charge."
As if on cue, Ultron crashes through the ceiling of the office to announce his presence. "There is no 'man' in charge. Let's talk business."
While they move to a second location, Victor thinks to himself. 'But overkill for a dramatic entrance.'

Klaue hands Ultron a chunk of vibranium. Ultron talks with Klaue while Victor inspects the chunk of metal. 'Vibranium. Strong stuff. Not as strong as the new alloy I'm made of, really need to come up with a name for it, but still strong. I wonder though,' he uses his energy vision (anyone able to come up with something cooler, tell me) to look at its unique energy signature. 'Purple. Interesting.' Klaue evidently said something that offended Ultron because he starts getting twitch and rips Klaue' arm off before quickly apologising.
Victor turns away in disgust. 'Oh! I was not expecting brutalisation to be part of my schedule today. I'm glad I can't physically throw up.'
He quickly composes himself as Iron man, Captain America and Thor arrive. "Ah junior, you're gonna break your old man's heart."
Ultron squares up against his primary creator. "If I have to."
Surprisingly the space Viking is the voice of reason. "We don't have to break anything."
Victor can't help but scoff. He might be a good guy but he's also an inventor. You always have to break stuff. "Clearly you've never made an omelette."
Ultron and Iron man speak on unison. "He beat me by one second."
Ultron glares at Stark while Pietro steps forward. "This is funny. Is it comfortable? Like old times?"
"This was never my life." He firmly denies.

Victor looks at Stark in surprise. 'Maybe the differences don't stop at Latveria.' The image of Stark holding his box while the quantum tunnel collapses flashes behind his eyes. 'Better safe than sorry though.'
Captain America addresses the trio. "You can still walk away from this."
"We will." Wanda shoots back matter of factly.
Victor looks at Wanda. 'I miss that confidence.' He shakes his head. 'No. I can't. It's not fair to her memory.'
Sark sarcastically nods. "Uh huh. What's the Vibranium for?"
Ultron strides forward. "I'm glad you asked because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan." Ultron attacks and everything devolves into chaos, with the rest of the Avengers arriving, as well as Ultron's bots and Klaue's men. Victor gets shot a couple times and just knocks a few mercenaries heads together.

He hears a thud and looks over to see that Captain America has knocked down Pietro. He quickly runs over, his metal feet alerting Cap just in time for a metal fist to sucker punch him, effectively knocking him into the rail. "Don't get up."
Cap stands, easing a fist and a shield. "I could do this all day."
Victor sighs. "I was afraid you'd say that." When Cap lunges forward, he takes a sidestep, but Cap manages to get in the face with his shield. Cap tries to follow woth an uppercut, but aside from mild recoil on Victor's part, he just hurts his own hand.
Given the extra time to think, Victor sees Wanda put Thor to sleep. 'I wonder if she could do that to me?' He's broken from bai thoughts by Cap's shield, which rebounds back to its owner. Deciding to end this quickly, Victor sends green lightning at the star spangled hero. Said walking flag raises his shield on instinct. This has the opposite effect to what he imagined. When he goes to leave he sees Hawkeye take Wanda down and Pietro quickly runs away. Victor glares at the bird themed archer before running away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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