Chapter 3

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A few weeks later, Victor, having bulked up after his many intense workouts, was facing off against Pietro. "You sure you wanna do this?"
Pietro is at the opposite side of the room stretching out his legs like he was an Olympic runner. "Yes, absolutely. I'm dedicating this to all my fans." He waves at Wanda who is sitting away from the action who rolls her eyes at her brothers antics before raising a small cardboard sign she made for this occasion. It had a fluorescent green V on it.
Pietro gasps in mock betrayal. "Betrayal. Now it's personal." He runs over to a fire extinguisher and hits Victor over the head with it. Any normal man would have his brains all over the walls. Victor had a slight headache.

Rubbing the back of his head, he looks around as Pietro runs around him, occasionally coming back to use his extinguisher to deal some damage. Watching him, Victor take a step to the side and Pietro shoots past him and lands on the ground after the extinguisher throws him off balance.
After Pietro sits up looking confused, Victor puts on a Sokovian accent. "You didn't see that coming?" He makes a 'come on' gesture and Pietro stands up.
He runs around again and gets a few more decent hits with his weapon of choice, but Victor ultimately trips him up again.

Pietro tries again, but when Victor sidesteps him, he manages to keep running around. Victor keeps track of him, and after a few more hits, he clotheslines Pietro, sending him to the ground in a daze.

After doing so Victor quickly crouches down while Wanda runs over to her brother. "Are you ok?" Pietro raises a shakey thumbs up.
Victor picks him up and puts him on unsteady feet, brushing him off a little. "Sorry about that."
Pietro waves him off. "It's fine. But how did you keep up with me?"
Victor shakes his head. "I didn't. I just knew where you were going. Where most people would aim for point A, I aimed for point B."
Pietro nods. "Yeah, that makes sense." He points in Victors face. "I'll get you next time though."

Victor rolls his eyes, when an alarm suddenly goes off. He sees a scientist rushing by. "Hey, what's going on?"
The scientist appears shaken. "The Avengers. They're here!"

Victor sees a look in Pietro and Wanda's eyes, but before he can stop them they both disappeared. Groaning to himself, Victor leaves the base. "Can't believe I'm babysitting two grown ass human beings."

Outside is a war zone. Gunshots and the like everywhere. He sees something red and gold flying over the base. 'Stark.' Victor glares at the flying figure before running into the woods to find Pietro. He gets shot a couple times, but otherwise he was fine during the search and didn't run into any of the Avengers.

He sees Pietro's blur running around a few trees. "Pietro!"
Pietro stops in front of him. "I just punched Captain America in the face! It was awesome."
Victor is annoyed. "No, it is not awesome. It is dangerous. Now we are leaving before someone gets hurt."
Pietro crosses his arms with a sassy look. "You act like you're my mother."
Victors tone is exasperated. "I'm not your mother, I'm your babysitter, now let's get out of here."

Pietro looks ready to retort when a loud roar is heard and they both turn to see a large green rage ball glaring at them. Victor leans over to Pietro and whispers to him. "Run." Pietro disappears in a blur as the Hulk runs at Victor.
"Aw nuts." The Hulk backhands Victor and sends him flying through several trees until he lands with a resounding clang. Looking at what he hit, Victor sees a train track. He quickly grabs hold of the gold rail in order to charge. Hearing fast approaching thuds, Victor rises to his feet as crackling green electricity arcs over his arm and fist.

The Hulk bursts through the broken trees and Victor uppercuts him with green electricity branching off in multiple directions, sending the Hulk flying a few feet before landing on his back.

Victor places a foot back on the rail to charge while keeping an eye on the stunned Hulk while he came up with a plan. 'Ok, hitting him full force will stun him, but I can't do that too much or I'll be unconscious again. I'll need to be smart about this.'

Having recovered his wits, the Hulk is much angrier than before. He runs back at Victor with a loud roar and attempts to squash him with a fist, but Victor dodges it and dives through the Hulks legs and leaps into his back. The infamous rage monster tries to shake him off unsuccessfully as he reaches back for Victor. Acting quickly, Victor graps the Hulks head with both hands and envelopes big green's head in energy in an effort to fry the Hulks brain. Hulk cries out in pain, and when its done, he falls to his knees, slowly reverting back to his timid counterpart.

Extremely tired, Victor kicks the doctor lightly to make sure he's alive, and when he groans in pain Victor nods. "Sorry about that Doctor Banner, nothing personal." He runs into the woods to try and find Pietro and Wanda.

Victor made his way through the woods outside the base, narrowly missing a confrontation with Captain America (thank god for so many trees) until Pietro appears in a blur with Wanda a few feet away, with Wanda appearing sad.
He points at them. "You two," This draws their attention, "do you have any idea how dangerous that was? You could've-"
Wanda interrupts his lecture with a hug, effectively shocking Victor into silence. Then she slapped him, but it didn't affect him and only left Wanda cradling her hand. "You want to lecture us about danger when you fought the Hulk alone?!"
Victor tried to alleviate oncerns. "He only backhanded me once and it didn't even hurt."
Unfortunately this had the opposite effect. "Only backhanded you? He destroyed most of Harlem once!"

Victor nods sheepishly. "Yeah I heard about that." He sees the Quinjet fly over them from the base. "But maybe we should get out of here."

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