Chapter 1

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On a narrow road going to the capital city of the North Empire, a few group of people wearing grubby dark gray cloak are slowly walking towards the place. Both sides of the road are covered with tall trees and from the right side is a wide river with the view of the mountains from a far. It is truly a wonderful sight to see. The shades of the tall trees protects the people on the road from the scorching heat of the sun while giving a refreshing whiff of a nice smell of grasses.

" This place is very nice. Now I won't argue anymore with you guys. I want to appreciate the scenery." A young man blurted out lazily to the rest of the group.

"Ugh! Why don't you just shut up if you have nothing else nice to say? You keep on talking,hey! No one wants to listen to you!" Another young man answered with the few of his blue veins became faintly visible under the shadow of the cloak on his left forehead.

" There,there. You guys shouldn't fight. I think we are approaching near the capital's gate within an hour."

As the young man said that sentence,all the eyes glared at him fiercely. The young man felt that and sweat start dripping from his forehead. He unconsciously twitched his mouth feeling shameful wishing for the ground to break and eat him.

" Brother Luo,you better pray that we did not miss something very important while walking this time. Imagine how long we have been lost because of your poor vision. If only you did told us earlier then this might not happen. We trusted you with all our hearts you know." Another young man speak his heart out.

The "Brother Luo" who was the culprit droop his head,his face so pale.

" I'm really sorry I'm such a disappointment." He sobbed weakly while biting his lips hard it bleeds.

They were stunned seeing the young man like this that they unconsciously stopped.

" Hey big brother! I didn't mean it I'm so sorry! Oh no! I made big brother cry! Wuwu.."

The young man stepped backed a few steps away from the group with both his palms on his face. His body starts to shake and he sobbed.

" Wuwu" cried the both of them. The rest was at a lost of what to do as they continue to look left and right.

The eldest and the youngest are both crying. The second elder one facepalmed.He unconsciously massaged his forehead lightly with his eyes closed. It's not because he is exaggerating. It is because they had always been like this for the past four days while being lost. They struggled so hard to find their way back. He wants to comfort the both of them but he's too tired. They are very tired and exhausted.

"Here you are! Wait,what happened here?"

A lively voice emerged from behind them.It is a young man riding a little fluffy white beast dragon. The dragon is six feet long and a human size beast. It's narrow and blue iris eyes catches everyone's attention while the teenager wears exactly what the rest looks like except that he's a little bit taller than them.
Everyone gasped. They all fell on the ground and lied like dead corpse in instant.

The newly arrived young man crossed his arms and narrowed his beautiful phoenix like eyes to each of them.

" An hour is enough for us to rest. "said the second eldest one while lying still and steady on the dry ground closing his eyes not caring a little bit about the rest of the world.

The one crossing his arms was about to say something but then thought,closed his mouth in defeat and sighed heavily. He scratched his nape gently while his mouth twitching but his whole face still hidden in the dark shadows of his big and louse hoodie. He found a big flat stone nearby then sit there comfortably looking around his breathing somewhat heavy. The cold wind softly touched his face which made the youth close his eyes wanting to feel more. He stayed like that until he could hear galloping of horses and voices of people coming their way.

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