Chapter 2

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"Stop waving like that, you're wasting your time. You saw he just ignored you right?"

As Kalen heard Calib's gentle voice asking him with concern, he smiled very wide and hooked his arm with the other.

" Ah,my handsome poker face brother,you don't know this but I love teasing people with great beauties! I really love it when their faces turning red as tomatoes.Hah! But Young Master Daen is just like you."

Calib hearing those words still showed a passive face and did not answer back. He only stared back at Kalen blankly.

Kalen seeing the other like that shook his head slightly. They really act the same. Alright,he was wrong. He should have pester this brother of his back when they're young to make fun and fool of themselves. He shouldn't be the one who was always spanked on his butt every other day alone.

" What a shame! What a shame. I..."

"Let's go,we can still observe a little bit from the other parties. We will still be able to participate to the next rounds of the competition. We only lost ten points. We can still catch up."

"What?ten points for the first round? Why is it so big?"

" It will be 20 points deduction if we also cannot participate on the next round.We need to gain at least 80 points to pass. There are only 10 rounds with 10 points each when passed."

"Aiyah! Let's go and hurry or else we will all be spanked to death by the Sect Master himself."

Everyone's face went pale with cold sweat except Calib who's face is always blank and Kalen,a masochist bursts into laughter.
How can he be scared? He has grown immune from it since he was about 10 years old. Such will and dedication to survive every other day cannot be compared. As a matter of fact,the Sect Master nearly was the one who gave up. The will and dedication of the both of them truly cannot be compared. How long has it been? Kalen is already 15 years old by the way.

That's it and the group hurried their way to the city gate.

" Are we going to go to the arena or we'll find a place to stay first?"

" Fifth elder made a reservation of a place for us to stay during the competition so we'll go to the arena first."

"Right! Right! Fifth elder is the best. He always puts us first in everything. "

"Of course!" Kalen agreed in high spirits.

" Gentlemen,before you enter the arena,you need to purchase the cloak item first. It will help protect you from your enemies. Only that, each level of protection varies on the type of color of the cloak you'll get. This is optional of course and is allowed by the competition management so it is fine even if you don't purchase one." One of the man guarding the small Arena gate informed them.

" How much is the highest level one?"

The man was completely dumbfounded and scanned Calib and the rest up and down.

" Eer..I'm sorry to say this but the thing is.. we're out of stock. Those good ones were already purchased by the big sects in big number. Such materials are so hard to find so those cloaks were also limited in number. There's only the lowest level of cloak that we have." The man said in low voice.

" It's alright,give us ten pieces please."

The guard felt awe of this person in front of him. First,he asked immediately for the highest level one. He thought they're only inquiring so it's not much of a big deal but now,he didn't even asked how much the lowest level cloak costs and he directly want him to hand them 10 pieces?

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