Chapter 4

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Everyone gasped in shock. When Kalen almost thought his plan will succeed,he tried to flip Verdil. He only never expect that Verdil thought of his plan. Verdil pressed him down even harder and unexpectedly deepened the kiss.
Kalen's eyes opened widely not expecting his action to backfire.

" Hmnph.."

" Verdil!"
Prena shouted madly. Her gorgeous face turned very unsightly in no time. She didn't care anymore. Without a word, she gathered all the things floating in midair and aimed it directly on Kalen's direction with the intent to kill.
Everyone's eyes widen in shock. It was so fast but they didn't expect that someone is faster.

Aesson's eldest brother blocked the perilous attack in a single wave of his hand.

A huge collision almost wiped the whole Arena. The powerful waves that had spread melted the low level cloaks. They're real images were now exposed.

Among these people were the Aesson sect. Their faces were now revealed.
Everyone can't help but gasp.

" If my younger brother offended you,please punish him but killing is certainly not allowed." The eldest deciple Yunru said calm and gentle. He's not bragging at all.
That alone, without the thought of his very handsome and manly face included, gained respect and admiration from a lot of people.
But what shocked them the most was the two identical twins with the out of this world bewitching beauties are exposed.
If someone will say that they are drawn to a beauty that he can't help taking their eyes of her,that is not an exaggeration when you describe Calib and Kalen.
If there is a difference, that were their eye colors. Calib's iris's seems like a mixture of green and yellow while Kalen's were aqua blue that sparkles with the light. Their beauty that could bewitch people within a glance.

"Get off me ah!"

Verdil finally let go of Kalen.
Kalen looked left and right. His face becoming paler and paler.

Daen came forward approaching Kalen. He took off his red cloak and arranged it carefully on Kalen.

Verdil frowned slightly for a few seconds.

" Young master Daen,why are you suddenly showing kindness to me? It couldn't be that you already fell in love with me right?"

Kalen teased that made the other man's face unsightly. Daen suddenly felt like beating someone.

" Y-you! I'm helping you and rather than thank me, you're actually giving it some other thoughts? Give me back my cloak!"

He tried to take back his cloak but Kalen grabbed his hand and hooked it with his. He smiled sweetly at Daen who's ears turned slightly red.

" I'm just kidding,just kidding. Young master is not only very handsome. He is also kind and caring. The kind of a man that every woman dreams of ah. Your fiance is very lucky."

Kalen sugarcoated making Daen's lips twitch.

"Don't you feel shame? How can you flirt with other man right after you kissed me in front of all these people?"

" Im not flirting with him ah! I'm just being extra friendly with someone who is extra attractive."

" He is more attractive than I am?"

" Yes!"

" ....."

" Those people who are involved with the fight earlier should take responsibility."

" All of these unorthodox sect in here should face the punishment for disobedience of the Arena Rules except Young Master Verdil."

" And why is he excempted?"

" Because he only used martial arts and not his innate ability."

" Oh"

Kalen was about to refute but he suddenly remembered that he was the one who kissed Verdil first.


That afternoon, Kalen wandered alone inside the forest hoping to find something interesting to give his eldest brother. He is about to pass when he heard someone breathlessly breathing. He followed the sound and found a very hidden cave. Without much thinking,he walked inside the cave. The cave's inside is so dark he cannot see anything. He is about to move backwards and lit a fire when a huge thing pounced on him. His back landed on the rough surfaces of rocks on the ground. A huge body presses him hard he can hardly breathe.

" What are you doing here? Why did you followed me? "

A hoarse voice that is very familiar asked Kalen. His eyes opened wide in shock.

" Young Master Verdil?"

The man is trying to calm himself down but it seems too hard and impossible.

" You just made a very wrong move. There's no turning back now."

Verdil said dangerously.

Kalen is very confused. In less than a minute, he felt very cold.

" Hmnph!"

Verdil kisses him aggressively like a wild beast. His tongue searching for every corners inside his mouth. His body pressed on his while his hand caresses around his body. He could feel the burning heat from Verdil. He tried so hard to break free but something's not right. His body does not listen to him.

The dark cave later had the sound of moans of two men in heat. The thrusting went on and on for two days and two nights.

After two months,Kalen knew he is actually pregnant with Verdil's child.
He kind of missing him but the other never bothered to find him after that night.

He is going to confess his feelings and the child but that was his biggest shock.

He secretly sneaked inside Verdil's room only to find the other man having sex with the Young Miss Prena. They are so wild.

" Ahhh!Faster,Ahhh"

" You like this so much my dear,huh"

Verdil bent and put Prena's breast fully in his mouth sucking hard.

" Uhmn,yes! Ah!"

Verdil thrust even faster and harder.

" Be careful,our baby.."

" He'll be alright honey, I promise"

Verdil assured Prena.

They went on and on.

Kalen is very angry. He felt like the need to let it all out.

He walked silently away from the room. Once he reached the guards,they fell on the ground with only a " thud". He burned everything on his way even the guards who want to block his way out. Everything happened within five minutes before he disappeared in the shadows.

" Where have you been?"

Calib asked him frowning. The other did not say anything and left without a word.

" He needs time."

A very soft voice very pleasing to the ears said.

Calib's heart pounded so fast. He slowly turned back and a crystal clear teardrop first fell from his eyes.

" Eldest brother, you're finally back."

Author: I accidentally deleted the Chapter 4😅😅

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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