isaacwhy x softwilly // tw swearing

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;; This is  prompt from ;;


Isaac is normally the clingy one and the one that likes the attention. Well, one day, Nick comes home and is exhausted and proceeds to cuddle up onto Isaac like a kitten. Nick puts their face into Isaac's neck and Isaac enjoys every minute of it as Nick is begging for kisses and cuddles and Isaac is happy to supply.


Isaac and Nick were hanging out, they were at Nick's place. Isaac was watching some stuipd show, Nick was in his room talking to Tanner, "Well big T, I've got to go. Talk to you later." Nick said, "Whyyy" Tanner said, "Shut the fuck up, see ya big man" Nick said ending the discord call, sometimes he would feel bad about being mean to his friends. I mean he knew he could make more friends anytime but he didn't want new friends, he loved his friends who are here now. Nick was just sitting there, he really didn't know what to do, he felt bad, he was gonna call back but then heard Isaac. "NICK COME DOWN HERE, I MISS YOUU!'" Isaac yelled to Nick, "COMING" Nick yelled back.

//Nicks Pov//

I walked down to my living room where Isaac was watching some tv show, he was sitting with a blanket over him, "Your house is pretty cold" Isaac said, "No it's not, your just a fucking ice block" I said walking up to him, I paused, "Sorry.." I said and sat on his lap like always, "You ok Nick?" Isaac asked, putting his chin on my shoulder, "Yeah, why'' I asked, "Your always loud and shit, or is it just that we are alone today?" Isaac asked, I just turned over so I was facing his face, I gave him a kiss, I snuggled up to him afterwards, "You want love, hm?" Isaac said switching the channel again. "Pleasee" I said whole proceeding to cuddle up onto Isaac like a kitten, wanting more kisses, Isaac cupped my chin and gave me kisses, I smiled and snuggled into Isaacs neck.

//Third Person Pov//

A while later Nick was asking Isaac for more kisses and cuddles, Isaac didn't complain, he gave Nick it all. Isaac knew something was wrong with Nick but he didn't want to bother him, If something was wrong with Nick, Isaac knew. Nevertheless, Isaac was giving all the love to Nick.

He'll make sure his boyfriends fine after the lovely moment<3

//thanks for reading<3

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