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The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

Thunder boomed as red lightning lit up the inside of Catherine's eyelids

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Thunder boomed as red lightning lit up the inside of Catherine's eyelids. Exhaustion swept through her bones and she moved her aching arm towards her shoulder. Her fingers wrapped around the bat-like creature and she pulled harshly at it, trying to peel it off her skin. Cat's eyes flew open as she felt one of the bats fall away from where it had clawed onto her leg, and she was met with the sight of Eddie hitting one of the oars at the bats. "Hey there, Henderson." He smiled softly at her, smashing the wood into the bat as it tried to bite back down on Cat's leg. "Need some help there?"

A lopsided grin fell over Cat's face and she rolled her eyes playfully at him. "Oh no, Munson. I'm perfectly fine just laying here." She grimaced in pain as her fingers squeezed around the bat on her collarbone and she yanked it harshly away from her. Eddie held out a hand towards her, and she took it gratefully, pulling herself into a standing position.

"Quick, hold it, Robin." Nancy cried, bringing the pair's attention back to where Steve was still struggling with the bat around his neck. Cat limped over, blood dripping slowly from her leg, and watched as Robin smashed her foot onto the writhing bat.

"Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!" Eddie yelled as Nancy smashed the sharp end of the oar into the body of the bat. There was a loud shriek from above, the sky filling with more bats. "Shit!" Eddie cried, holding the oar up defensively and pushing Cat slightly behind him. Cat ducked as Eddie swung the oar at one of the bats that had dived towards them. The oar smashed into it, sending the creature skidding across the dried-up lake.

Cat's eyes widened as a rogue bat headed for her friend, the girl still fighting with the creature around Steve's neck. "Nancy!" She screamed. "Behind you! Watch out!" Nancy screamed as the bat landed on the top of her back, causing her to drop the oar as her hands reached behind her. Robin ran to the girl, grabbing onto the bat's tail and yanking it as hard as she could. Cat could only bring herself to stand and watch in shock as her friends fought off the vicious creatures. Her eyes fell on Steve, watching as he bit his teeth down on the tail around his neck. The creature unwound itself and Steve grabbed it's tail in his hand.

Creature after creature flew at them, Catherine ducking to avoid being caught by the oar that Eddie was waving around. She watched as Nancy stabbed the bat that had attacked her, blood seeping from its chest. Her eyes widened as she saw Steve smash the bat several times into the ground, taking out his pain and anger on the terrible creature. When he was satisfied that he had injured the creature enough, Steve harshly stepped on it- applying all his weight before ripping it cleanly in half.

"Oh my God, Steve." Cat breathed out, rushing to him as he spat blood from his mouth. She fell into his arms, and he gently wrapped his arms around her waist. Their eyes scanned over each other's wounds, and Steve's face contorted in worry as he finally saw how much blood was seeping from the space on Catherine's collarbone.

"Jesus Christ!" Eddie yelled, throwing the oar to the ground. "Jesus H. Christ!"

"Are you okay?" Nancy asked, walking over to the couple. A gasp left her lips as she inspected their injuries.

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