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Trick Or Treat, Freak

Billy Hargrove's car sped down the road, music playing loudly from the radio

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Billy Hargrove's car sped down the road, music playing loudly from the radio. "God, this place is such a shithole." Billy announced as his car raced down the road.

"It's not that bad." Max defended.

"No?" Billy questioned, rolling down the car's window. He inhaled the air deeply. "Mmm!" He put his hand over nose to block the smell. "You smell that, Max? That's actually shit." He turned his head towards her. "Cow shit."

"I don't see anyone cows." Max rolled up her window as Billy put both hands on the wheel again.

"Clearly, you haven't met the high-school girls. Especially psycho Cat Henderson. God, what a bitch." Billy scoffed as Max ignored him. Was he talking about Dustin's older sister? She'd definitely heard him and those other boys talking about her. "So what, you like it here now?"

"No." Max answered quickly, her eyes not moving from the road in front of them.

"Then why are you defending it?"

"I'm not."

"Sure sounds like."

"It's just we're stuck here, so..."

"Hmm. You're right. We're stuck here." He looked over to her. "And whose fault is that?"

"Yours." Max mumbled.

"What'd you say?"

"Nothing." Max's voice was still quiet.

"Did you say it's my fault?"


"You know whose fault it is. Say it." Max didn't respond. "Max... say it." The small red-head stayed quiet, shutting her eyes when Billy leaned over to her, the car still moving at lightning speed, and screamed in her face. "Say it!" His foot pushed harder on the accelerator, speeding up the car even more, his hands hitting the wheel in time to the music that was still playing over the radio.

Max's eyes widened in fear when she saw three familiar figures in Ghostbuster costumes cycling ahead of them. Billy was sure to hit them with his car at the speed he was driving. "Billy, slow down." Max shouted over the loud music that was blaring from the radio.

"Oh, these your new hick friends?"

"No I don't know them." Max stuttered out quickly.

"I guess you won't care if I hit 'em, then? Huh?" Max looked at the boys in worry as they were fast approaching them. She needed Billy to slow down. "I get bonus points, I get 'em all in one go?"

Max shook her head, turning in her seat to face her step-brother. "No, Billy, stop. It's not funny." Billy just looked at her, a bored expression on his face as he continued to bounce his hands off of the steering wheel. He revved the engine, speeding the car up even more. "Billy, come on, stop it." Max screamed at him, desperately trying to get him to slow down. "It's not funny. Stop!"

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