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"Uncertainty is a sign of humility, and humility is just the ability or the willingness to learn."



For days, Karos traveled with the murderous beast. He was not so trusting of Ake after the events he had witnessed. He still had the morbid images of his comrade's heads tumbling down the hill of rocks into the ocean water. Their lost parts turned the water into red wine until the tide came in and swept them away. He did not quite understand why his head was not rolling along with the tides as well. He had done nothing to warrant such credibility and trust.

Yet, the beast tended to his leg. The thing knew he was slowing it down. However, Ake did not leave him. It was not allowing him to go home either. Whichever way the beast chose, they would go and he would have no say on the matter. The village of Yent was not too far from where they rested. A week's walk from where they sat. If they continued on, they would be near Ylon.

Ake checked his forehead for sweat and any signs of fever or infection. It lifted his shirt with one hand and watched it cover its finger in its saliva with the other. He felt its finger circling around his wound, making it almost instantly feel better. After Ake was finished, it re-bandaged his back with a cloth and turned to sit before the fire. It was a well-known fact the fiery snakes enjoyed the sight and smell of it.

Karos found himself eyeing it with a sense of uncanny interest. Red hair kissed by fire, blue eyes drowned in the deepest blue of oceans, he swore they were green once before. It was a strange combination. Without a doubt, he knew the beast would bring him trouble.

"You are a strange beast. It is in your nature to kill us, yet you have saved my life twice, healed my wounds, and continue to treat me even though I am becoming much like a burden."

Karos tried to rise as its attention focused on him.

"I am a soldier of Asalph. Killing you and your kind is my livelihoo—" He cried out in pain as he felt the heat of the flames on his injured leg.

"Livelihood," he said trying to finish strong.

"Aniya byuna."

He felt its finger on his forehead before it plucked him.

"Aniya, byuna. Na clem ma jus te."

"No more of your gibberish, beast. I am growing rather weary of it."

Ake's eyes flicked to his in a matter of seconds. Soon, it slid Karos' arm off of its shoulder causing him to fall onto the dirt floor.

"I am starting to believe you enjoy my expressions of pain."

Anger brimmed in its gaze. As Ake tried to walk away, Karos held out his good leg in front of him causing the beast to trip. It caught itself before its face could kiss the hard, dirt ground.

Karos had to stifle down a laugh at its clothes covered in dirt as well as its face. It turned its head and looked at him glowering with the same animosity it had shown him in the cave. Ake grabbed his leg and pulled him towards itself causing Karos to roll over on his stomach and kick the thing on its side.

For half a second, Ake let go and then latched on even tighter than before. It flipped him over with ease and dragged him closer. Ake's nails sank into the thick fabric that made up his trousers, but he muscled down the pain. The beast held him by the top of his shirt and brought him close to its face with a sneer gracing its features.

"Byuna, na gan clem é!" Ake shouted, livid with his actions.

"I do not understand you! You speak drivels to me and expect me to comprehend the words that you say!"

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