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"When you feel a connection, a gut connection, a heart connection, it is a very special thing. It is a very fearful thing as well."



Karos was without much reason, but his eyes would always linger on the red-headed thing he once thought of as a demon. At first, he thought it was simply because of the words Fariel had spoken to him some time ago, but he knew that was not it. His eyes took in his sun-kissed colored skin contrasting with his eyes that reminded him of the ocean, even the sky above. He noticed his eyes would pick up the smallest of details. Such as the small black dot right above the inside of his ear, the shape of his fingernails, and the way his hair would curl at the slightest drop of water on it. 

Although Karos knew he would never admit to it, he knew Ake was growing more tired by the days. He was a proud thing, too haughty to ever admit to anything that would make him look weak. Still, Karos thought, how could someone be so small and hold so much pride, anger even? It baffled him.

Ake's eyes caught his for a moment holding his gaze a little longer than what was usual for him before letting his eyes slip elsewhere. Before long, Ake snuck close beside him without him even noticing until his shoulder rubbed against his arm.

"If there is something you want to ask me, then speak it. Do not just stare."

Karos eyed Ake before a light smile splayed across his face. Fariel may be right in one thing. Their meeting is no mere coincidence. How can they be both too much of the same, but yet so different?

"There are many things... I would like to ask you."

"Then speak it. Do not act so coy with words now."

Karos scoffed away his smile with a laugh."Are you always brusque like this or is it because of your dislike of me?"

Ake laughed this time before shaking his head. "Do you suppose I should be more indirect? You humans have a way of going about things in such a round-about manner."

"All this time, I am sure you had nothing but positive things to say about me."

 "As I am sure you had of me."

A remark for every response, as Karos had expected. "Just how old are you?"

"Too old for you."

A deep blush set on Karos' face causing Ake to laugh aloud this time.

"To answer your question, I am two-hundred and ninety-eight, and you?"

"... Three and twenty."

Another bought of laughter came from Ake then. "A child."

"An old man," Karos said.

Ake cut his eyes to him, making Karos laugh this time. 

"So is that it? My age? ... Is it maybe because you have a thing for much older men, perhaps? If that is so, Fariel is over five hundred."

"You think so highly of yourself." His cheeks were still hot and burning from the response before. 

"I am a desirable person," Ake stated with confidence. Anyone unblind to beauty would deem acceptable and true.

Ake's eyes met with Karos' waiting on his response.

"And you think I am not?"

Ake stopped in his tracks, taking the time to eye him from his head down to his very toes unabashed. All Karos could do was let go another one his scoffs covered by a smile.

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