Chapter Two

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You recovered quickly and turned the other way. Why did HE have to be here? You ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind you. Then you let the tears flow freely. You couldn't control them and just let them pour out, happy your makeup was water proof. I can't believe he came. Why would he come? Is he here to hurt me again? I can't go through that again. No. I won't go through that again. I'll make him leave. But what if he hits me again? Oh no, what am I going to do? Then the voice in the back of your head said You're going to fight back. He took you by surprise last time. Thats the only reason you never got a good punch in. You can take him. ''Yeah, I can,'' you said to yourself. You dried your eyes, then walked out of the bathroom. And what did you find out there? It had to be him. ''Hi Michelle,'' Nick said with an evil grin. You just stared at him, waiting for him to strike you once again. He continued smiling ''Bet you didn't expect to see me here, guess what, I am. And guess where we are? In the dark in the back where no one can hear you scream. I never got what I wanted last time. I never got anything from you. Not even a kiss. Now, thats not being a very good sport, is it Michelle?'' He flexed his fist then relaxed it. ''Well then come get it, bastard,'' you said. He swung and you ducked. He swung again and got you in the gut. You let out and 'Oof' then punched him in the nose. You felt it brake. Then you kicked him in the gut and he collapsed. He grabbed your legs and pulled you to the ground. He rolled on top of you and said ''ooh, learned to fight did we?'' ''Apparently you haven't,'' you said and kneed him in the groin. He stayed on top of you. ''Get off me!'' Just then you heard some one run up and pull him off you, but before you could see a face they were fighting. The boy almost yelled ''I don't know who you are but run! I'll take care of him!'' His voice was seductive even as frantic as it was. You took off sprinting till you got back to the party. You replayed the scene in your head till you figured out what the kid was wearing. He was dressed as Roul from The Phantom Of The Opera. You hoped he was alright and hoped that Nick didn't hurt him. If you could find him, you would tell him thanks and introduce yourself. You found Leah, one of your guard girls, and told her everything that just happened because she knew about how Nick hit you the first time, as she was the one who saved you when she heard you screaming. She had luckily gotten to you before Nick did anything but make you bleed. And you were very grateful for that. Leah was your hero. You two walked over to the rest of your guard and started dancing because 'Yeah!' was on and you could resist it. You were so white, but you did not dance like it. You could do amazing hip hop, and it was a passion of yours. As soon as that song went off you looked at the time. It was 11. Time for the talent contest. You went up to the stage to make the announcement. No one there but your close friends knew it was you, so you had no trouble speaking, even though you never could speak in public. You could perform though. Which is why you were very confident that you could beat Abby in the talent show even if you didn't win. You picked up a clipboard and started ''All right everybody! Shut Up!'' The room grew quiet. ''It's time for the talent show, and first up is, Xaiver Drake!'' The crowd cheered and you clapped. Xaiver was so gorgeous, but he was the most popular kid in school. He was an emo football player, even though you pretty much thought he was a poser. But when you saw him walking toward the stage you forgot how to breathe. His blue eyes were looking at you with a great amount of concern from beneath his black disheveled hair. And you couldn't figure out why. Until you saw what he was wearing. Then you figured it out. He was the one who just saved you. He smiled when he saw the recognition in your eyes, then took the stage and pulled out his guitar. You sat the mic up and stood at the front of the stage with your friends. You weren't sure you'd tell him who you were now.

He didn't say anything about the fight, he just looked at you for another moment, then you blushed and looked down. Then he said ''Hey everybody, are you ready for this?'' The crowd burst into cheers then he started playing and singing. You got lost in his angelic voice and spaced out, but when the first chorus broke into your thoughts he was singing 'Best Of Me' by The Starting Line. You loved that song! He made your heart melt, and you looked up. He was looking at you and winked when he saw you staring. Beth nudged you with her elbow and smiled at you. You just laughed and mouthed the words along with him. When he was done everyone applauded. ''Thanks everybody! I hope you all liked it,'' he smiled and glanced down at you again. He put his guitar back in his case, waved and got off the stage to a throng of football players and girls ready to congratulate him. You got back on the stage to announce the next act. ''Alright guys, settle down.'' It quieted a little again, ''Next up is,'' you looked down at the clipboard, ''Rock and Roll. I have a feeling this will be interesting. Give it up for Ryan and JR!'' The crowd cheered and they ran on stage pumping their fists in the air. ''Okay dudes and dudetts,'' Ryan shouted. ''Are you ready to Rap?,'' JR screamed. The crowd hooted and hollered and you laughed. Then they started their act. JR was rapping and Ryan was dancing. Everyone loved it. And the entire crowd laughed when Ryan did shook his but at them. They did a really good job. They bowed, then got off the stage. You went to the mic again, ''Ok now the stage belongs to Sealed With A Diss!'' Then Abby and a few of her cheer followers walked on stage and took the mic. ''OK PEOPLE! THIS GOES OUT TO XAVIER! We love you boy!'' You groaned and your friends laughed. Then you saw Xavier, who was a few people over shake his head and laugh at the cheerleaders. Then they started. They sang(if you could call it that) and did a routine to 'Lip Gloss'. You were very happy when it was finally over. You were complaining the whole time that your ears might bleed. And all your friends were in hysterics the whole time. You gained your composure and went back on stage. ''Okay, now its time for Eyes Closed to perform. Get your butts up here!,'' you shouted. Your friends Steven, Jennifer, and Kaylee walked on stage. Kaylee was the drummer, Jennifer the bassist and screamer, Steven the guitarist, and you the lead singer. You said ''Ladies and gents, we normally do our own music, but tonight, we're going to perform something you might know, 'Headstrong' by Trapt.'' Your friends in the front row cheered and so did JR and Ryan. Luckily, no one but them knew it was you. By the time you were halfway through the song people were amazed by your voice and by how good the band was. At the end everyone, even the cheerleaders, were clapping. You guys took your bow, and your friends left the stage. ''alright people, the talent show is over. Time for Guitar Hero!'' A lot of people headed for that, but some went outside to dance. And you were one of them. 'Every Time We Touch' was playing and you just couldn't resist. You threw your whole heart into dancing. And Xavier came up and started dancing with you. When the song was over he said ''Hey. I'm guessing your alright since you've been doing all this.'' ''Yeah, I'm fine thanks for the help by the way.'' ''No problem. What's your name anyway?''

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