Chapter Seven

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It looked like this: Humans: Michelle(prima) Kaylee(other prima) Philip, Cassidy, Peter, Nicole, Charles, JR, Lauren, Geoff Vampires: Xavier(solo) Robert(other soloist) Leah, John, Jacob, Sally, Susan, Rachel, Rick, Maria You couldn't believe it. He was going to be your partner, and you knew it. You walked away slightly dazed to go sit on a bench while everyone else looked at the list. Xavier walked away from it looking alive and slightly happy, which was something you hadn't seen in several days. ''OK guys,'' Vicky started after everyone had ready the list, ''Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so you have it off, but Friday and Saturday are our first staging and routine camps. I'm passing out the information now. Please be on time, or your doing push ups. Now go home!'' You got your paper and ran to your car with Kaylee. You dropped her off then went home. (Friday) You got to practice and began staging. The people being vampires wore black, and the humans wore white. The vamps started in the back right corner, and the humans in the front. As the staging went on, you were happy, because you had not been in contact with Xavier yet. You were talking to Kaylee because you two had been close in the drill so far. ''So how'd your exhibit go?'' ''Oh, it went really well. They loved how personal and how relatable the paintings were, and I sold three paintings.'' ''Oh wow, you know those were really good.'' ''Yeah, at least one good thing came out of heartbreak.'' Xavier heard that and winced a little. You two were getting closer in the drill. You two eventually met up and the point of the show became clear quickly. Vicky went on with the drill and you guys had it all done before your lunch break. (After lunch) ''Humans, besides Michelle and Kaylee come here. Everyone else, work on your drill.'' You walked towards the tarp and did drill. They were doing dance. It looked really good and they learned quickly. An hour later she said ''Vampires except Xavier and Robert come here.'' They then learned dance while everyone worked on frill or dance. And putting them together. Then she had everyone who had learned something come together and do it as partner work. It looked great. It got put to drill then practice was over. (The next day) ''Okay, my primas and soloists, I need you.'' You began learning partner work and just plain dance, but then you learned work on sabre, rifle, and flag some of which was partner work, and you were all sent to teach it to the others. You had your show done by lunch break and it was only your second day of practice. So you put it to drill and ran it time after time, every time loving being close to Xavier again and feeling his skin against you, but not letting it show. When practice was over, you were getting ready to leave when Xavier walked up to you. ''Hi Michelle,'' he said with a small smile.

''Hi Xavier,'' you said trying to sound exasperated, the said ''Bye Xavier,'' and started to walk away. Xavier just stood for a second, then ran after you. He caught up to you, grabbed your arm and spun you around. ''Please Michelle, just let me talk to you. I need to explain, whether you want to hear it or not.'' ''No, there is nothing for you to explain, you just need to leave me be.'' ''Michelle, no. I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't mean to.'' ''Of course you didn't mean to! You didn't want me to find out!'' ''No, it's not like that! She doesn't mean anything to me. I love you and its been killing me to be away from you! She set it up. She found me in the hallway and forced me into the corner and just started kissing me. I couldn't get her off me so I just gave up! And then you came and wouldn't let me explain myself!'' ''Stop lying to me.'' ''Michelle, look at me please! If you look at me you'll know I'm not lying to you. I never could lie to you! I wouldn't lie to you!'' You looked at his face and saw nothing but truth burning in his blue eyes. They pierced you to your core. ''Xavier, I'm so sorry, I-I,'' you were cut off by his lips pressing against your once more. You wrapped your arms around him and realized once again, you were meant to be together, and realized how much you missed that feeling. How much you missed him. He pulled away, ''I love you,'' you whispered. ''I love you too,'' he said then he climbed on top of his car, because you had made it to the parking lot before he caught you, and screamed ''I LOVE MICHELLE ALYSE CARTER!'' at the top of his lungs for everyone to hear.

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