Chapter Three

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''Well, thats for me to know. And you to find out,'' you replied with a little grin. ''Oh gonna be like that are you,'' he grinned back, ''So how am I gonna figure out who you are?'' ''I don't know, be creative.'' You cocked your head and batted your eyelashes at him. He laughed lightly. ''Do I have to be creative, or will 20 questions work?'' ''Sure but I get to ask you questions too, and lets make it 5.'' ''Deal. Are you in any clubs, sports, or anything of that nature?'' ''Yeah. One thing that should be a sport but isn't, and two clubs.'' ''Well if it isn't a sport, but should be, I'm guessing marching band or the color guard. Your turn for a question.'' ''Why do you sing?'' ''I'm not really sure. I just really like it, and it lets me express myself. What do you do in your should be sport?'' ''I dance, I run, I spin flag, rifle, and sabre, and make the band look good.'' ''So it is guard then.'' ''Yeah. My turn. Are you a poser?'' ''No. I can see why you might think that though. But I'm not a poser. I know what real emo is. It's from emotional hardcore music. What grade are you in?'' ''I'm a junior(if not, just pretend). Why did you help me?'' ''I know this is gonna sound kinda weird, but I've seen what Nick does to girls, and I'm not going to let him do it again if I can stop him. Where'd you learn to fight like that?'' ''My dad was in the army, and he taught me a lot, plus I'm a naturally good fighter. Where'd you learn to fight?'' ''I've taken karate for 11 years. Plus I used to wanna be a boxer. Where's you learn to dance like you did back there?'' ''I never really learned. It's just always been a passion of mine. I watched a lot of dance movies and music videos and learned everything I could. Why do you play football?'' He shrugged, ''I'm just good at it, and I really enjoy it.'' ''Last question better make it count,'' you said. ''Can I kiss you?'' He looked down at you with his big blue eyes and smiled warmly. You blushed and turned your face. ''Why do you want to kiss me?'' He laughed at your blush ''Because I don't even know your name, but I feel a connection between us, like some sort of magnetic attraction.'' You looked up still blushing, ''Really?'' ''That's more than five questions,'' he said as he leaned down ad pressed his lips to yours. It immediately felt like electricity was running through your veins. Your heart rate sped up and so did his. You pulled back after about 5 seconds though. He looked at you like he was apologizing for something and asked, ''Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry, did you not want me to kiss you.'' You looked up blushing ''You didn't do anything wrong. That was just my first...'' You stopped talking because you heard that laugh you hated. ''Aww, little girly was gonna say that was her first kiss wasn't she?'' It was Abby. You began fuming. ''Whatcha gonna do hun? Beat up the head cheerleader.'' ''I'll d one better,'' you said ''I'll walk away from a fight.'' You turned and walked toward your car while Abby stood there shocked anyone had the guts to stand up to her. ''Wait!'' You heard Xavier shout as he ran to catch up to you. ''I never got your name!'' But you couldn't hear him. You were in your car and had 'Straight Hate' by Bloodsimple blaring in your ears. Then you pulled out, and sped away.

You screamed along with the song on your way home, taking shortcuts on the back roads. You cut the lights and turned off the radio when you went up your driveway, knowing your parents were asleep, since it was 2:00AM. When you got inside, you locked the door and went to the kitchen. You got a bottle of water and went to your room. You got out of your costume as quickly as possible and hid it away in the bottom corner of your closet in a box filled with old uniforms. You then walked to the bathroom that was hooked onto your closet and took your hair down and your mask off. You hopped in the shower and let the hot water relax your muscles and your mind. You spaced out until you felt the hot water scalding your skin. You though maybe you should get out then, so you got out, dried your hair, and put on a pair of comfy pajamas. Then you heard your cellphone go off. It was playing the chorus from 'Take It Home' by The White Tie Affair. That was your text message tone. It made you wonder who'd be texting you at this hour. You opened your phone and saw it was from JR. [Hey Michelle, Xavier is asking everybody about you trying to figure out who you are. Your guard girls haven't told, and neither has Beth, but we wanna know if you care if we tell him. He seems really into you.] You gasped. You had forgotten all about telling him your name. But then again, you weren't really sure you wanted him to know. You wondered if he would honestly like you if he knew who you were. But for a kiss to feel so right, how could it not be love. But that got you thinking maybe all kisses felt like that. You didn't really know for sure. It was your first kiss after all. ''What am I going to do!?,'' you said out loud. Then it came to you. You started texting JR back. [Tell him, you know who it is, but if he wants to know, he'll have to find out himself, you're not going to tell him. And neither am I.] You hit the send button and hoped that he'd go along with it. You got a text back a minute later. [Ok. We told him. He wants to know how to find it out.] [Tell him to be creative.] [Ok. Well, Michelle, can we at least give him your number?] [No, if he calls me, he might get my voicemail, then know it's me.] [Alright. That made him frown though. Lol. Hey, I gotta go, cause me and Ryan are going home with Xavier, and we've got football tomorrow.] [Ok. I've got guard tomorrow too, so I need to rest up. Bye JR.] [Later Michelle.] Meanwhile: ''She said she has guard tomorrow and has to go. Plus we've got football, so we kinda need to go too,'' JR said. ''Wait, she has practice tomorrow?'' Xavier asked with a smile. ''Yeah, why?,'' Ryan said. ''Oh man, do I have a plan,'' Xavier waved them in and they huddled around while Xavier told them his plan.

You fell asleep as soon as you were done texting JR. And what happened? You dreamt of Xavier of course. But you really couldn't remember what the dream was about once you woke up. So you put on a pair of cut off yoga pants, a t-shirt, and some tennis shoes, then went to the kitchen and got breakfast. You made a breakfast hot pocket and ate it while you walked around gathering you water bottle, guard gloves, knee brace, and your first aid kit(guard girls fall a lot during practice). When you were done, you brushed your teeth and put your hair up in a pony tail. The you left for practice. You went and asked your band director where you were having practice today and he told you on the football field, the track around it, and the baseball field, depending on who was practicing during the time you were out there. So you waited for the rest of the girls to get there, then you all got your equipment and headed for the sports fields. Your coach wasn't going to be at practice today, so you were in charge. You got to the track(which was around the football field) and saw the football players doing conditioning. You sighed, but turned towards your girls anyway. ''Alright ladies, we're gonna do a warp up run. how far should we go?'' Kaylee piped up and said ''How about a mile?'' The other girls agreed with her. ''Alright then. Four laps ladies. Lets go.'' You all set your stuff down and took off. You were in front with Kaylee close behind. As you two ran past Ryan and JR turned and waved. You waved back, and hid a blush when Xavier turned to see who they were waving at. He just kinda stared at you as you ran. But then you slowed down a little and let Kaylee catch up with you so you could talk. ''Michelle, are you going to tell him,'' she asked quietly. ''I don't think so. If he figures it out, then we'll see what he thinks of me.'' You continued chatting idly while you lapped the other girls and finished your mile in 5 minutes. You were getting ready to stretch when you turned and saw Leah trip and start falling face first. You grabbed your first aid kit before she hit the ground and sprinted across the football field to the other side of the track over by Leah. ''Leah, honey are you alright?'' Her face wasn't hurt, but her palms, arms, and knees were all starting to bleed. The other girls gathered around you, and so did some of the football players because they were also coach-less today. You heard on ask ''Is there anything we can do you help?'' You looked up and saw it was Xavier, but kept your composure and said ''I need somebody fast to go in and get ice bags from the trainer. And paper towels.'' ''Okay. JR! You go to the trainer for the ice, I'll get the paper towels,'' he hollered as he took off running. JR was right behind him. ''Okay, Leah can you sit up for me sweetie?'' Leah said ''I think,'' and sat up wincing in pain. ''Hold absolutely still, alright?'' Leah nodded, and you began working. You got out alcohol pads and started wiping away blood on her palms and arms while Kaylee worked on her knees. When you got some of it off you put some neosporin on it. Right when you were done Xavier and JR got back. ''Here,'' they both said and handed you the ice and paper towel. ''Thanks.'' you wiped the rest of the blood off, wrapped her wounds in gauze and medical tape, the taped the ice on her. ''Is she gonna be alright?'' Xavier asked hunched over you. ''She should be,'' you said as you stood up. ''But she won't be running anymore. Thanks for the help.'' You stuck your hand out, ''I'm Michelle.'' he took your hand ''Xavier.'' He pulled his hand back quickly, as did you. You felt that electric charge again. You turned and helped Leah off the ground with Kaylee before he could ask any questions.

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