Wasabi Warriors

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"My mom's gonna have my head on a pike," I told my best friend, covering my face with my hands, watching through spread fingers as she scoffed amused at me, tossing her red apple from one hand to another.

"You're so dramatic," She laughed, "It's only a C in Spanish, and in all fairness, señora is maybe a tad too strict."

"Tell that to my mother," I muttered, as the two of us entered the cafeteria, "Why don't we have lunch outside? It's not like either of us would dare try the lunch lady's food," I added, pointing to the packed lunches I had in my hand.

"I will tell her tonight for dinner," Kim reassured me, "And, well... I don't know, why are we here?"

I shook my head in disbelief at the blonde, already well-acquainted with our less than smart moments. Sometimes Kim and I get so deep into a conversation, we forget our surroundings or plans. Like now, for example; we were at school, around lunchtime and most days we have lunch outside since my mom packs lunch for the both of us. She has been doing that for the past seven years since Kim and I have known each other and been best friends.

It has always been my mom's pleasure to pack me an extra lunch, especially since she loves Kim like her own daughter and because she is a chef, so cooking is obviously her number one favorite activity.

"Hey, girls!" The cheerleaders on our team waved at Kim and I, "Wanna join us?"

"Well, since we are already here," I looked over at Kim, shrugging my shoulders.

"You're so lazy," Kim rolled her eyes, before reaching her hand forward to grab the apple she had tossed a bit too hard in the air.

In the blink of an eye, I saw a kid extend his foot, catching the apple, before tossing it one more time in the air to catch it with his hand. I raised my brows impressed, since it helped his case the fact that he was the cutest boy I had yet to see around school.

He had a cheeky grin as he tossed the apple, looking between Kim and I. His dark brown locks framed his face perfectly, bringing his eyes out. He wore a blue checkered shirt, on top of which he had a really cool fang necklace, making me wonder; is he new?

Kim and I looked at each other, before turning to him;

"All right, that was almost cool," Kim pointed at the apple, "I'm Kim."

"I'm Jack, I'm new," He introduced himself, as that cheeky grin had turned into a warm smile.

"Figured," I couldn't help but smirk, as Kim nodded in agreement, "I'm Maya."

"You still have that new guy smell," Kim told Jack, before turning to me, "Doesn't he?"

"I meant that I'd have remembered such a cute face around school," I scoffed, but couldn't help a frown, as I sniffed, "But now that you mention it..."

Jack chuckled as he looked at Kim and I, but he was definitely most focused on trying to hide the blush on his cheeks the second I complimented him. What? I am a straightforward person! I didn't necessarily mean to come onto him.

I met his gaze, maybe a bit taken aback. I am not even joking when I say that he must be the cutest boy in our school, since I am pretty sure I haven't seen one to catch my eyes as fast as this one did.

"Thanks," Jack told me, putting back that cheeky grin.

"Should I leave you, newlyweds?" Kim smirked, making me shake my head lightly and turn to her, "Before I do, can I have my apple back?"

"Right, sorry!" Jack handed her the apple, making us giggle, "Hope to see you around, Maya," He turned to me with a smile, then looked at my friend, "Kim."

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