Dummy Dancing

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Kim, Milton, Jack and I walked to one of the school's hallways excited, checking around to make sure we were by ourselves. It was a tradition we had come up with; each Wednesday for the past couple of weeks, after classes, right after the janitor finished waxing the floors, we'd race each other on trays borrowed from the cafeteria to see who can slide the farthest.

I watched amused as Jack dropped down to one knee, feeling the floor with his hand, shaking my head in disbelief since he was the one that held the highest score, with me coming a close second. If I'm being completely honest, it's mostly because Kim pushed me when I started blabbering to the guys that she has her eyes set on the new captain of the football team.

"Oh yeah, waxy Wednesday!" Jack grinned, looking up at us, "Where plastic tray meets a freshly-buffed floor and  he law alegends are born."

"You're such a drama queen," I scoffed, kneeling as well to touch the floor, "Sweet crackers, it's perfect!"

"You're perfect," Jack mumbled next to me, absentmindedly, judging by the look in his eyes.

"What?" I raised my brows, unsure if I heard that right.

"Yeah, it's perfect!" He quickly corrected himself, as I turned to Kim and Milton, who rolled their eyes at him. It's not uncommon for our friends to watch either amused or bored the way we act around each other, so I got used to it.

Jack and I looked at each other with squinted eyes as if we were having a staring contest, slowly getting back up to our feet. I'd be lying if I said that my crush isn't growing the more time I spend with him, and I'd also be lying if I said that it didn't maybe freak me out just a tiny bit. I had only like two boyfriends before- one in kindergarten because he always brought me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and one a few months ago, before Jack came to Seaford. I only got together with him because I was jealous Kim's new boyfriend was taking her away from me.

Needless to say, my boyfriend from kindergarten was a lot sweeter.

Wait, did I ever break up with him?

"Hey, guys," Eddie ran towards us, holding up a couple of trays from the cafeteria, "I got the trays!"

"Any problems getting by Marge the lunch lady?" Kim asked him curiously.

"Nah," Eddie shook his head, "She said they don't pay her enough to care."

She has always been an honest woman, I'll give her that. 

Even with the questionable stuff she puts in our lunch food.

"Guys!" Eddie ran down the stairs, hovering above the lockers to look at us, "Did I miss anything?"

"Not yet," Kim informed him, "Hey! Shouldn't you be in detention for putting a tollbooth in the boys' bathroom?"

"Yeah, by the way-" I crossed my arms, "We did not appreciate the one in the girls' bathroom either. I still do not understand how the principal did not notice our tollbooth."

"For some reason, the girls like it," Kim frowned, looking into nothingess.

"I should be," Jerry smirked proudly, taking a seat on the stairs closer to us, "But when you sit me in the back and leave the window open, I'm what they call a flight risk." 

"Jack, your record's about to be broken," Milton turned to Jack, "Prepare for the new world champion, Milton "The Missile" Krupnick!"

We all watched riddled as Milton zipped down the hoodie he was wearing, while ripping off the pants, revealing the purple unitard he had been wearing beneath the tracksuit. We all gasped, looking away in shock. No matter how many times we see Milton in all his glory, we always still get... well, surprised would be a way to put it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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