Everyday I wake up
Is a another day for struggle
It's hard to breath let alone get up & take all the crap
And bullshit from others especially those that know you
It's also hard when you already feel like crap
Yet they beat you with cruel nasty words that cut like a knife & leave cruel scar on you forever
But it's another thing when people you thought cared for you
Only to be the ones who make you feel like that
So I let it go once or twice thinking this would blow over
Just as quickly as it came
But those stupid snickering, mimicking,& snarky comments people say
Can do a lot to just one person
But soon enough it becomes something so painful
Those words soon turn into something else
They do it on
A daily basis
Or weekly basis
Or even forever
Yet to know the damage they have done to a girl like me
Who never understood what it meant to be hurt
Until I finally got a real taste of it from those who I trusted so much
Sooner or later those we trust becomes those we fear
And later on we vanish from their lives and them
We end up becoming a painting
Hung in a museum where the dust collect
And to only to be seen by those who think we we are interesting
Just like everyone in history
PoetryThis is all my poems I have ever written. I hope all of y'all like my poem and find them interesting. Leave comments and like my poems if you want to see more of my work, also check out my my other stories on my page.