Chapter 10: Rojo's Acting Weird

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Holy shit!! Haha.

I got an 86.50% on my micro test!! Idk how that happened, but it did haha.

And thank you for everyone for understanding on why I didn't update during that period of time. I really appreciated it :) you guys are the

I would like to thank FXCKING_GRUNGE for making my amazing book cover for Sexy Greek God Kidnappers. You did an amazing job! And for that, I would like to thank you and dedicate this chapter to you!

And okay. So any people that know about cars??

I have really foggy headlights, and my parents don't want to buy me new ones. So does anyone know how to get rid of the fogginess?? And thoughts or ideas? I'm willing to try all of them haha.

And guess who is turning 19 soon!!! Me!!! :) I'm so excited.

Anywhore, on with the story!



Why is it so dark?

Oh that's right. I blacked out again.

All I remember, is a giant headache and then pain.

All I felt was pain.

It didn't get better. It kept getting worse.

I groaned as I saw light.

I looked up a saw a fox.

But this fox was different.

It was white/gray with fire orange fur on its legs, its face, and the tip of its ears.

What got my attention though, was the glowing purple eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The fox winked and walked away.

I tried to run after it but my leg wouldn't move.

"Wait!" I called after it as it kept walking. "Who are you? Do you know what happened to my fox?"

The fox didn't stop and kept on walking.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to do something but I couldn't.

I saw another stream of bright light and I squinted my eyes to get a better look.

Is that Tay?

I opened my eyes and saw Tay smiling down at me.

"Emmet!" She yelled. "She's awake!"

"Tay?" I asked with a raspy voice.

Oh gosh. I sound awful.

She quickly poured me a glass of water and gave me the cup.

"You're awake." Payton smiled thankfully. "We were all getting nervous."

"We thought you wouldn't wake up." Winter sighed.

I cracked a smile, but winced when I felt a slight discomfort in my head.

"Headache still there?" Tay laughing slightly.

I nodded. "But it doesn't hurt as bad anymore. Before was a lot worse."

"That's because your body took care of it." The doc smiled as he walked up to my bed with a clipboard in his hand.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused as my mom and dad ran up to me.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" My mom cried as she squeezed my body.

The Fox and The AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now