Chapter 27: The Surprise Visit

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Okay. So remember that blind date I was supposed to go on? Well the guy didn't show up (Praise God Almighty!)

Seriously. I found a picture of him and he honestly looked like he was in his mid to late 20's. Um I'm only 19, sooooo I will pass haha.

But at the bonfire, this one guy caught my attention.

He's really nice and funny and easy to talk too. And this morning I woke up to a friend request from him on Facebook. :D

And he told my friend's boyfriend that he likes me. He thinks I'm really nice and cute.

And I'm over here like HOLY SHIT! Haha.

I was gonna hang out with him at my friend's boyfriend's little brother's graduation party (Sorry if that got really confusing lol) but now I can't go.

My mom told my aunt that we would go with her to Missouri on that exact date and I even told my mom that I was going to the graduation party. So she knew I was busy and now she is making me go to Missouri with her and my aunt.

Sooo. I'm pretty pissed. Because the guy was gonna be there because I was going. Kill me.

It's literally like fate hates me and doesn't want me to find a guy lol. Because every time I get happy with a guy, something always goes wrong. Oh well. Lol.

Living in Tommy's pack house all alone. Who wants to join me??? We can get the actors from Magic Mike XXL to come keep up company ;)



"Isabelle!" I heard Cruz scream from upstairs.

I tried to hide my snicker as his booming footsteps ran down the stairs.

"What the hell did you do?" Addi asked laughing.

I took a sip of my water and winked at her.

"Yes?" I asked as Cruz walked into the kitchen.

"Why the hell did I wake up with 10 mice next to my head?" Cruz asked as he shivered in disgust.

I shrugged trying not to smile. "I don't know. Maybe they got cold?"

He growled at me and walked back upstairs cussing.

Addi busted out laughing.

"What did you do?" Gab asked.

"I may or may not have told the mice to throw a party in Cruz's room." I smirked.

"How did you know he was scared of mice?" Addi asked. "Not even the guys know that."

"It was a lucky guess." I laughed.

I jumped as my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I asked answering it.

"Yo sister!" Roman yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes?"

"Mom wants you to come over. She said someone is visiting."

"Who?" I asked.

"I don't know. She just said it was important. So bring your little squad over here." Roman laughed.

I laughed too. "Okay. Will do."








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