Blossom°Fleurir -Moonsun 🌺

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Posting this story because today is my birthday so I'm treating you with a little smut uwu.
I hope you will enjoy it !


Solar and Byulyi are in a blooming relationship.
They got together not too long ago and want to take things slowly.
Unfortunatly, beside their busy schedules and activities, they don't find enough time to stay together.
So after a long day, moonbyul invites herself to yong's house.
They still don't know that it will be a turning point in their relationship.

Pov Yongsun

I finally rest my head on the car's headrest.
It was such a long day. Actually it was such a tiring week when I think about it.
Our newest mini album dropped and mamamoo has been having activities since.

My girlfriend byulyi rests her head on my lap.
"-byul ah you're heavy
-but i'm tired unnie"

I roll my eyes at her childlike behavior.

"-besides, I know that you missed me
-stop saying nonsense byul, I say, not wanting to admit it.
She grins, hearing a smile in my voice.
-I love you too unnie, she says kissing me and then resting on my lap once again, her eyes closed.
I blush at her sincere words.

"-yah get a room you too
-right, you're on the car please"

he maknaes tease.

I close my eyes too and doze off, during the end of the trip home.

30 minutes later

"-unnie, yongsun unnie, I hear byulyi say
-yah jagiya let me sleep I whine.
Then my eyes shot open when I hear wheein giggle around me.

"-hmm actually, we're not alone unnie
-ohh right , I say when I realize
-seriously unnie, you call byul jagiya ?
-shut up wheein"

I get up and then go home...with byulyi

"-shouldn't you be home with you sister ?
-she's on a date with her boyfriend
-oh. Yesol's not a little girl anymore uh
-they grow up so fast I swear"
We laugh then enter my appartement.

"-where's big yong unnie?
-working I think"

We shower, change and install on the couch in front of the tv.
"-what do you want to eat ? I'll order
-hmm I miss teokbokkie
-seriously unnie it's the third time this week
-then why do you ask me what to eat ?
-you're unbelievable"
I smile as she acts annoyed. But I know her like the back of my hand, she will still order teokbokkie because she knows it's my favorite.

After a few minutes, the food comes.
We eat while cuddling on the couch, watching a kdrama, with a blanket covering us.
I missed this. I missed her.

"-woah, this drama is so good
-I know right"

We chat while happily eating. Almost forgetting that a long day still awaits us tomorrow.

After eating, Byul hugs me, getting closer little by little.
She kisses my neck and smiles against my skin.
"-why so clingy today byul ah ?
-you smell so good unnie, I smile
-I missed you too byul, if that's what you're trying to say"

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