Curve°courbe-Hwabyul 🍭

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How are you doing ?
I hope you that y'all will enjoy this chapter
Hwabyul this time (first time that i'm writing this pairing wish me luck)
There's a little bit of smut at the end (moonbyul and hwasa are "sex friends" )
Just remember that everything is fictional. I do not believe in all these things said about hwasa (in fact she is the most beautiful person I've ever seen, inside and outside)
With this disclamer in mind.
Leggo !

Mamamoo has succesfully finished their group promotion for illella and are now preparing for their upcoming concert in Seoul.
Of course, with attention, comes hate, and that's especially true for hwasa who took a long break out of the spotlight.
It seems like she will never get used to hate comments. These persons always say mean, vile and rude things but for her, they also highlight a certain reality. I mean, it's true that hwasa is fat and not pretty right ? At least that's what SHE thinks.
Fortunatly, her best friend and sex buddy moonbyul will show her how precious her body is. How ? You will ask me. Well...byulyi has her ways...

"-seriously hyejin ah you need to eat more
-wait. You, The Moonbyulyi is telling me to eat more ? You must be kidding right
-come one hwasa you know what I mean. And beside, I eat what's necessary for my organism to function proprerly. She pouts.
-are you perhaps calling me fat in front of everyone's salad ?
-what ?! Absolutely not, I would never think that.
-but that's almost what you said
-no !
-yes !
-NO !
-YES !
-Can you two stop please ! Says yongsun.
Nobody is fat and nobody is calling each other fat. Now eat before it gets cold.
Scolds our leader.
Hyejin and I resume eating.

The end of the meal goes well, high laughter and loud screams showing how strong mamamoo chemistry is.

After eating and practicing some more, we all get home.

"-alright girls, you've all done well. See you tomorrow for practice. Hyejin ah don't be late.
Finishes Yongsun before passing the door.
Wheein packs her things and follows.
"-bye Hyejin, bye unnie ! Oh and by the way, I'm still up if you want to come over jinah
-yeah go first I'll packs my things and see you there"
Wheein nods and then waves before going out.

Hyejin takes her belongings in a hurry to join her childhood friend. But I stop her with a back hug.

"-don't you want to spend time with your favorite unnie ?
I whisper huskily in her ear.
She laughs, then closes her eyes when my breath tickles her neck.
My hands gaze her skin under her shirt.
Immediatly, her head drops and she detangles my hands to remove herself from my grip.

She picks up her things quickly and gives me an awkward smile.
"-actually unnie, I promised wheein that I would help her walk the dog. Bye ! She goes out.
-wait hyejin !"
I don't even have the time to go to the door that she is already gone.

Well...guess I'll be by myself this afternoon... I mean, if wheein needs hyejin to walk her dog, who am I to say no hehe.
I think sadly to myself.

Wait... Wheein doesn't even have a dog ?!

"-did I just get rejected !?" I say out loud.

Few hours later

Practice for the world tour has been going strongly.
We feel exhausted, and we know we won't be able to sleep until the end of the world tour.

"-ok let's take a break, says our leader unnie finally satisfied

We simultaniously drop on the floor with a thud
"-I thought you would never say this unnie, whines Wheein
-right you're so strict even though we can do the choreo with our eyes closed, I complain
-At this rate, we might even be able to do it while sleeping
-don't exagerate wheeinah. I just want what's best for our moomoo who have been waiting for a long time, says yongsun unnie ready to resume the practice
-just rest unnie give us at least 10 minutes. Look at our dishelved hair and red faces really. Hyejin is on the verge of fainting", says wheein jokingly.
However, hyejin doesn't join our usual teasing session and seems to really be on the verge of fainting, limbs spread on the floor and failing to take her breath.

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