Acceptance°Acceptation-Moonsun 🏵️

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Heyy how are you all doing ?
So excited to write this chapter
Yes it is a moonsun but bare with me please 😅
The story is set in the near future, (~3-4 years from now). It's kinda sappy, but still dealing with sensitive issues (homophobia)
Don't worry, there's a happy ending

Yongsun came out to her sister 4 years ago. Yonghee didn't accept her relationship with byulyi, getting angry at her baby sister and cutting all tighs with her and her girlfriend.
Yonghee is now a beautiful, grown woman, married to a loving husband and having a cute 3 year-old daughter.
She takes the opportunity of Yongsun's birthday to try and meet her after all these years.
Deep down she is still wondering: how will it go ?

Pov Yongsun

Really now, who is calling me at fucking 1am in the morning ?
Fortunatly, I was not sleeping, waiting soundly for my girlfriend Byulyi to get off work.

I take the phone and glance at the screen. But my blood freeze when I see the name of the person who's calling.


It's my sister. My sister, with whom I haven't spoke with for years now. I don't think I even remember how her voice sounds.
Still pissed at her, I decide to not take the phone.
It'll be better like this anyway, I refuse to get hurt and shattered in pieces.
Not again.

But every time I refuse the call, she only tries harder.
Not wanting a headache, I take the phone aggresively, wanting to make it short.

-Finally yon-

-I swear to god Yonghee, if it's again to tell me how much of a slut I am or how disgusted I make you feel, then you can hang up right now !

-n-no. Absolutly not. Actually, I wanted to say quite the opposite.


-yes. I wanted to know if you were up to come at home for dinner on the 21st

-m-my birthday ?! Why ?
Do you really want to destroy me again, and on my birthday this time ?!

-no ! I just...wanted to wave the white flag you know, make a little truce between us. I realize I've really been the worst person on earth these past years and I understand if you don't want to talk to me right now. Just...make your choice and it's really ok if you don't come on the 21st.
I will still wait for you lil'yong.
Oh and my daughter Yongsoo will too.

Her words really make me want to forgive her. I never saw my niece, just with pictures my mom gave me...
But I know better than that. I know how hard she can hurt me. I need to protect myself first, not make the same mistakes two times

I...will call you later
I say coldly than hang up.

I take a shaky breath then sit on the couch.
Gosh this conversation just made the bad memories ressurface.
I remember it like it was yesterday.

When I told her, that Byulyi and I were more than just friends. Her eyes, they were full of...disgust.
She kept telling words, each being worse than the former. It was like she searched all the homophobic words that she could get and threw them on us, on me, her sister with whom she shares the same blood.
I went to my room, and the next day, all her belongings had disappeared.

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