Angel°Ange-Wheesun 💫

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Heyy you
New os, a wheesun this time.
I hope that you will like it.

Yongsun just got accepted in her dream academy for learning music.
She moves out of her family home, towards the big city of Seoul.
A new life awaits her, with new friends, new classes, and... a new roommate.
What Yongsun doesn't know is that her roommate, wheein, is a little special...

Pov Yongsun

I sit on the couch.
Everything is clean now. I spent the day scrubing and cleaning until the floor can reflect my own face.
My roommate is coming tonight. I hope that she's nice, and organised so that we can spend our years at rbw academy without problems.
I'm not searching for a friend anyway. Just someone with whom I can share this place. Getting along well is just a bonus right ?

Well. Only two more hours before she comes home.
I should take a shower.

2 hours later

I fidget nervously on my seat. God I am so stressed. Why are you like this Kim Yongsun she is just a girl who will live with you so that you can pay the bills. Nothing to worry about right.

However, I flinch when the doorbell ring.
I thought she had the keys already...

I open the door nevertheless.
In the patio, a nice and petite girl with brown hairs and a cute dimple.
"-hello sunbae-nim, my name is wheein nice to meet you, she gives me a big smile, making her dimple grow
-oh, h-hi wheein ssi, I'm yongsun. I make some space and take her luggage, welcome home, I give her a polite smile
Why am I so awkward ?

"-wow this place is so nice. Omg you have a pink couch ? She is excited to discover everything.
-yeah my mom gifted it to me. Do you want tea or something
-no need to be that awkward to me sunbae-nim, I'm not a guest.

I show her her room and make a tour of the two bedroom appartement.
"-so this is my home now, she says tears in her eyes
-yes this is your home wheein"

The evening goes on. We discuss, learn about each other's background and major. And we eat dinner.

"-wait I'll call the landlord to tell her that you arrived.
-okay I'll wash the dishes"

I give her a gratefull smile then call the landlord lady.

"- hello ajhumma

-hi yonsgun ah, how are you my dear ?

- I'm great thank you. I just wanted to say that the roommate wheein arrived safely


-yes. She arrived at 5pm this afternoon

-yongsun ah, what roommate are you talking about ?

I frown confused
-i know the roommate, jung wheein coming from jeonju, a photography major ...

-her name is not in my files. It must have been a mistake when she registered. Tell her to come by my place tomorrow so that I can add her in my files.

-ok thanks ajhumma

-no problem"

I hang up still a little confused.
Wheein is still so young, she must have made a mistake when she applied for this appartement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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