꧁Part Three꧂

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Weeks passed, even months, and the two men kept exchanging letters. Some were just simple information about each other, thoughts about general facts or small talk about their week, but others felt like deep confessions about themselves, secrets no one had ever heard or read.

With time, Hyunjin got to open up a little about his feelings, his fears and new-found insecurities. Before, the man had never once felt insecure about his body. Everyone admired the handsome only son of the Hwang household, who besides being part of a billionaire family, was flawless in every single angle you looked. Of course, that was only the image people could picture from his outside. On the inside, he always had many scars, but now, Hyunjin also carried some that could be seen by anyone.

Changbin, on the other hand, was an open book. The words flowed easily out of him and into the paper like his life was a tale he wanted to tell only to Hyunjin. Through their conversations, little by little he got to know more about the other, and could feel the younger seemed to grow some trust in him.

Hyunjin had many more facets than he could have imagined. He had humor. The younger liked to play with Changbin's heart beats, pretending he was mad at him, just to laugh it off and tell the older he was just joking. Hyunjin had a beautiful handwriting, and he would always finish his letters with a different comment or signature. He was curious about simple things, like the life outside a rich family's bubble, and why Changbin didn't believe in past lives but believed in destiny.

Even from a distance, they grew a peculiar kind of companionship in their shared words. At some point, Hyunjin lowered his formalities, and Changbin noticed. He also noticed the other would be informal with him, but never called him " hyung ". At first, the older thought it was strange, but he didn't mind. He liked it better when Hyunjin called him by his name, or just called him Bin .

Almost five months after they first started exchanging letters, Hyunjin woke up one day feeling like something was missing. On the paper they seemed to be close friends, or at least pen-pals, and Changbin clearly had an adoration for the younger, but he never once mentioned visiting him.

Hyunjin had to live in the clinic for the time his treatment was ongoing, it was even in his judicial sentence, but Changbin was free to go around whenever and wherever he wanted. The thought of being unwanted, or that Changbin might only mean to be his friend from a distance made Hyunjin's insides turn a little. What he didn't take to count was that he himself was the one who first said he liked it as it was, with them communicating through letters.

That day, Hyunjin decided to take a chance and write his last letter to Changbin. If the older wanted, he could take that as an ultimatum, but Hyunjin didn't feel as he could keep on being friends with Changbin if he didn't mean to accept him for complete.


꧁Hyunjin's Last Letter꧂

Dear Changbin,

The past months seemed to pass real quickly, right?

It was like yesterday when you told me about those dreams you used to have with that ghost of me, saying they were just normal dreams. I pretended to believe, but don't think I don't know they were wet dreams. You're a complete pervert, but I forgive you.

You probably won't get the sarcasm in what I said, so here I explain: I am kidding. So don't take it to heart. Actually, thinking about it, it was... interesting.

You told me a huge amount of information about your life in this time, and I still can't share as much of mine, but I appreciate what you did. And I look forward to one day be able to become a more open person like you.

Turns out I got to know more about your thoughts than I ever knew about any of my relatives. Now I feel like I can be comfortable talking to you, around you, and I hope it is a mutual feeling.

Today I took some of my endless free time to think, and thinking made me gloomy. Thinking made me go around all the words we shared all along and wonder why you never came to visit me? I am always at the same place, for the same amount of time, which is every day, all the time.

This short question turned gloomy into upset, and I don't want the upset to become hurt. So this is the last letter I will send you. I hope you can understand what I mean with it, and if you choose to stay distant from me, I won't blame you.

You know my address. I'll be waiting for you,



Author's Note:  Hello, people!!

We finally have Hyunjin's letter (and some others). I hope it could fulfill your curiosity and expectations, maybe. The next chapter will start with Changbin's decision from this turning point.
Thank you for reading!!


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